Friday, December 29, 2017

The Disaster Artist

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Disaster Artist!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th December 2017

Well, hasn't this turned out to be critical darling? Apparently, it's the best film of the year, it's a laugh riot, James Franco delivers a mesmerizing performance and he's a shoe-in for the Best Actor Oscar. Is there really anything to add?

Well I loved the book so I was disappointed with the changes (oh here we go!). With the film scenes, they emphasized Tommy's enthusiasm/incompetence and toned down his actual nastiness - which brings forth the question of how much influence Tommy had in getting THIS film made. Also they didn't include the part where Sandy leaves the production which is disappointing - not only is a standout moment in the book but it would've made for an equally powerful moment translated to film.

Other than that, this movie was great. Great performances all around and the movie itself is a compelling watch. The pre-credits recreation of the scenes of the original are also a hoot. Will it win Best Picture at the Oscars? Probably not but here's hoping it does just for the delicious irony.
One question though, with the success of this movie, Tommy Wisseau is going to attract more media attention than ever before. Whilst The Disaster Artist does claim no one knows Tommy's age, country of origin and source of his limitless wealth, i wonder if some determined journalist might see it as a challenge.
I mean we had a determined journalist expose Lance Armstrong for the drug cheat he was....

Friday, December 22, 2017

Scrooge (A Christmas Carol (1951))

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Scrooge (A Christmas Carol (1951)!

Original image located here. Accessed 22nd December 2017

Last week I saw the adaptation of A Christmas Carol which starred George C Scott. This week, I'm watching the adaptation of A Christmas Carol which starred Alistair Sims. This is largely because these two actors are largely considered the best to have taken on the role. Sims, in particular is often recognized as the one all actors have tried to replicate since.

And you know what? Such a reputation is well-deserved. Okay, so the movie is kinda hurried and, to be honest, is more effective as a horror movie than a Christmas one, but it is ultimately Sims' show. He pretty much embodies Scrooge's contempt and lack of empathy. But the real treat is at the end when Scrooge is happy. It was a delight and one gets the feeling his change was akin to a dam-burst. In fact I do believe that Sims' does the 'Happy Scrooge' better than anyone else.

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Christmas Carol (1984)

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....A Christmas Carol (1984)!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th December 2017

I've always had a soft spot for A Christmas Carol. When i was a kid I was drawn to the ghost/horror element and the somewhat sarcastic nature of the title (well it seemed sarcastic to me).
But when i became an adult, I realize that the themes of redemption and turning one's life around for the better is indeed a powerful one.

As for the movie itself, well, it's well shot, there are some chilling moments and the ghosts are very imaginative in their presentation. But ultimately, the whole movie rests on the shoulders of George C Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge. And what a job he does: he's funny, bitter, angry and a jerk all at once - so there's something to be said for the scene on Christmas morning ("I'm as merry as a schoolboy!").

Friday, December 8, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Marty!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th December 2017

I recall my dad once remarking that he doesn't like watching movies that were made pre-1960. His reasoning was that they tend to age rather badly. I bring this up because whenever I bring up a post-1960 movie it gets a far greater response than when i bring up a pre-1960 movie, like this one. Seems my audience shares a similar thought. True, a pre-1960 movie would be well before much of my audience was born but I can't help but think how long a shadow the era of New Hollywood casts.

Rambling aside, what drew me to this film? Well it's about a guy who is in his mid-thirties (Hello!), is unmarried and resigns himself, however reluctantly, to bachelorhood (Hellooooo!).
Okay seriously, i enjoyed this movie. But what i find particularly interesting about it is viewing it through the lens of sixty years and numerous rom-coms. Yes, this movie isn't a rom-com but it does provide an interesting contrast: This is a romantic film about two grown adults, as opposed to teenagers/young adults. There is no reliance on tried-and-tested tropes (ie plots driven by misunderstandings, climax at some dance), there is no wish-fulfillment prospect (ie Oh My Goddess and Twilight) and comedy is taken a back-seat to a character study. And is all the better for it. I will even say that Marty's speech in the final scene still has potency some sixty years later.

That being said, is there any chance of such a film being made today? Of course not XD

Friday, December 1, 2017

The Prequels Strike Back: A Fan's Journey

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Prequels Strike Back: A Fan's Journey!

Original image located here. Accessed 1st December 2017

This documentary came to my attention through a friend of mine. A crowd-funded movie that tries to validate the existence of the prequel trilogy? Well, stranger things have happened.

Upon watching this documentary however, it doesn't provide anything I haven't already heard before: Criticisms about the prequels being applied to the originals; the childish nature of both the prequels and the originals; People trying to find a meaning in the prequel trilogy even if they look like they're grasping at straws; The ionization of George Lucas that turned horrifically ugly in the fallout of the prequels; the potential scenario of a fan brought up on the prequels turning on the new trilogy.
Ultimately however, what i got the most out of this documentary is that Star wars fans are indeed passionate and will certainly find anything to validate something that doesn't sit well with the fandom - but then again, I guess all fandoms are like that.

Favorite line: Geeks are the lawyers of the internet

Friday, November 24, 2017

Justice League

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Justice League!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th November 2017

This film surprised me: I was expecting it to be rubbish but it instead turned out to be....kinda alright.
No doubt about it, the backstage dramas are inescapable with this film, what with Zack Snyder pulling out and Joss Whedon stepping in for script reworking and re-shoots. Thus, it becomes unclear how much of this film is down to Snyder and how much of it is down to Whedon. Did Snyder want to make a less dour film? Or how much of Whedon's trademark wit came creeping in? It's anyone's guess really.

Coming off the huge success of Wonder Woman I don't feel that this movie is a step backwards but it isn't a step forwards either. More a step to the side. I like the character interaction but the villain is dull (criminal when one considers how many great villains lie within the DC Rogue's gallery). I like the presence of a humor in a DCU that is sorely lacking in it but I dislike how sometimes the action is going too fast to take in. I like the small touches (ie The sequence where the Flash taps Wonder Woman's sword into her hand) but what is intended to be grand comes across as underwhelming.
In fact a lot of this movie can be summed up with the following: it's a step up just not a step froward
Other than that, Jason Mamoa and Gal Gadot are both in fine form but the real star is Ezra Miller playing, what appears to be, an Autistic Flash. Works for me!

Also, we have a villain named Steppenwolf and there's no rendition of 'Born to be Wild"?! A wasted opportunity if ever there was one.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Being There

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Being There!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th November 2017

I heard about this movie largely through it being something of a passion project for Peter Sellers. In addition, it won him critical acclaim and whilst it isn't his final film many people choose that it rather be.

Personally I found this movie a very strange movie, even for the standards of the late 1970s. It may seem improbable in this present age but it wins purely due to Sellers' performance and director Hal Ashby's direction.
Sellers' performance is indeed his finest hour. I certainly believe that this was a part he persued with a passion and it shows in his commitment to it.
Ashby's direction is indeed something else: It has been pointed out that this movie could've been a parable on gullibility but thankfully it didn't go down that path - and I agree the movie is all the better for it.

This movie is a subtle one: it has been billed as a comedy but I don;t think it's meant to be: Sure it's farcical and a Comedy of Errors but I think, at it;s heart, it's something different. It's a deceptive piece, offering one thing but delivering something else that ultimately sticks within the mind of the viewer - indeed that final scene is the clincher, challenging everything the viewer saw beforehand.
And if a movie can do something like that, then it must've done something right
And hey, I'll take subtly over constant explosions any day.

Friday, November 10, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The BFG!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th November 2017

I have had a love for Roald Dahl ever since my primary school teacher read his stories to myself and the rest of her first year class. So i had high hopes with this one. Sure the adaptations of Dahl's work haven;'t been that great but having Spielberg handle this one showed promise.
Interestingly enough, this movie flopped in the US - which has led many to declare Spielberg's day as a box-office drawcard has come to an end. As fan of Dahl, such a frosty reception is puzzling - or perhaps people these days are more likely to associate the letters BFG with DOOM.

As for the movie itself, I enjoyed it. It was visually interesting, inventive and I enjoyed seeing how things work in BFG's home. There may have been some awkward moments with the script, what with the issue of snozzcumbers, pacing issues, BFG not being that friendly at first and the absence of the Jack the Giant Killer joke. But in the end, of all the adaptations of Dahl's work, this is one of the better ones.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Thor Ragnarok

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Thor Ragnarok!

Original image located here. Accessed 3rd November 2017

It's better than Dark World.

Ok seriously. I may not be the first to think that after Dark World flopped but I was curious to see if Marvel could learn from their missteps. in addition, the success of Wonder Woman also raises the issue to see if Marvel will step up their game.

Personally, i really enjoyed this movie. It has been noted that Thor is always upstaged by Loki in HIS OWN MOVIE but here, Thor finally comes into his own. But still, i have to admit Cate Blanchett steals the show.
So yeah, this was a lot of fun and definite a contender for a top tier posie in the MCU hierarchy. In fact, in my next RPG, I'm definitely using the line "Point me in the direction of whose arse I have to kick!"

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Quiet Family

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Quiet Family!

Original image located here. Accessed 27th October 2017

Has anyone heard of this? It's a Korean film from 1998 which piqued my interest largely it through it described as a hybrid of Fawlty Towers and the Addams Family. Sounds like a bonkers idea if ever I did hear one - I'm in!
Now I will be the first to admit my sense of humour can be best described as pitch-black so this movie would be a natural fit right?

Well to be honest I didn't find this movie a laugh-a-minute funny movie or a horrific movie. No, i found it more bizarre. Okay so the situation is strange and the comedy very black but somehow, this comes across as more tame than the stuff I've seen previously.
Can't win 'em all

Friday, October 20, 2017

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Tucker and Dale vs Evil!

Original image located here. Accessed 20th October 2017

As mentioned last week, I have no love for slasher movies but I am prepared to make an exception if said movie takes the tried & tested tropes and makes fun of them. Because seriously, the slasher genre is definitely a genre in need of being mocked.

That being said, coming to this movie was somewhat inevitable. And to be honest i can't recall watching a movie that made me laugh so hard. On paper, a comedy of errors shouldn't work as a slasher movie, but here it does!
Highly recommended - if anything just for the wood-chipper scene

Friday, October 13, 2017

There's Nothing Out There

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....There's Nothing Out There!

Original image located here. Accessed 13th October 2017

Has anyone heard of this? It's a B-Movie / Slasher Movie from the early nineties (although it looks like it was made in the previous decade).
I am not a fan of Slasher movies. Largely because they are populated by idiots - the type that don't fight back and instead do ridiculously dumb things. Granted, seeing such idiots getting hacked to bits is kinda the whole point of slasher movies but I will only indulge in a slasher movie if it does something different on a formula that, let's face it, has been well and truly run into the ground.
Which is where There's Nothing Out There comes in: I was drawn to it on the premise that's a parody with horror movie tropes pointed out. It's the film that did Scream's schtick well before Scream - and, according to some, did it better.

As for the movie itself, yeah it was all right. Getting past the B-Movie nature of it I found it to be entertaining. The jokes were dead on and it certainly is welcome to see people in this type of movie who aren't complete idiots.
So I went in to see a kick in the balls for the slasher genre and I sorta got it. That's good enough for me

Friday, October 6, 2017

Hunt for the Red October

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Hunt for the Red October!

Original image located here. Accessed 6th October 2017

It's been said that this movie is the last of the Cold War thrillers - largely because this came out the same year that the Cold War...y'know.....ended. So yes it's a given that this movie is a product of it's time but does it hold up nearly three decades later?

Actually yes. It's gripping, it's suspenseful and Connery is as a commanding presence as ever (even if his accent is puzzling - but then again all the Russian accents in this movie are all over the place). Sam Neill is also awesome in this but then again he's always awesome.
But the real MVP goes to the soundtrack: It's nothing short of epic. In fact, next time i charge into battle in some RPG, i want a full Russian choir going with me every step of the way XD

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th September 2017

As promised last week, I am tackling the remake Hitchcock did of his own movie. Funny thing is, I have found some cinephiles find the remake the superior of the two. Indeed, i found it quite telling that the remake was easier to find whilst the original required some effort to track down.

As for the movie itself, well, it some areas it is superior to the original: The pacing is more natural and less abrupt. There are less characters so more time is devoted to seeing them develop. The movie is more engaging and less dull. And there is certainly a sense that Hitchcock is in fair greater control on his second attempt.

However, not all is good news: The villains are boring and the climax was better handled in the original.
Still, Hitchcock did what he set out to do and he wanted to improve on his original. And to that end he succeeded. Now if other remake-obsessed film producers would take notice....

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)!

Original image located here. Accessed 22nd September 2017

Whenever someone brings up to the topic of remakes I always think of this movie. For you see, this was a movie made by Alfred Hitchcock when he was living in the UK. Then, in 1956 when he'd moved to Hollywood, Hitchcock remade his own movie. And why did he do it? Well, he thought he could've done a better job the second time around.

I will eventually watch the remake but for now, what did I take away from the original? Well, to be honest I found it kinda dull. I could write this down as the movie showing it's age but somehow it just didn't engage me.

That's not to say it wasn't without highlights namely Peter Lorre stealing the show, the fight scene in the chapel and the concert scene proving Hitchcock's status as The Master of Suspense is well earned.
That's my take on the original but how will the remake turn out? Tune in next week....

Friday, September 15, 2017

My Name is Khan

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....My Name is Khan!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th September 2017

Has anyone heard of this? It's an Indian movie from 2010 which tells the story of a Muslim man with Asperger's Syndrome - and how his eccentric behavior gets him mistaken for a terrorist.
It may sound like a situation for a comedy but thankfully that movie refuses to go down that route. I will admit that yes this movie may be a bit long, somewhat melodramatic, has a few eye-rolling moments, and has a stronger first half than second half. But at the same time, there is still a lot going for it.

A lot of it rests on the shoulders of it's lead, Shah Rukh Khan, and his very convincing performance - stand out moments for me was when Khan reconnects with his estranged brother and the scene in the mosque. Also pleasing is the amount of heart this movie has and how it has a lot to say about both Muslims (particularly in a post-9/11 world) and humanity in general.

And speaking as a Aspergan, I found the portrayal of Khan quite the relatable character. And Shah Rukh Khan certainly knows his stuff without once being patronizing.
So in the end, the movie does it's job and does it well.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Oliver and Company

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Oliver and Company!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th September 2017

My reasons for watching this movie are twofold: Firstly, I am, at time of typing, am currently involved in a stage production of Oliver!. Secondly, THIS was the movie I really wanted to see when I was a little boy. I remember at the time this movie was advertised a lot on TV accompanied by Why Should I Worry (*shakes fist* Curse you Billy Joel!) and it sucked me in (of course). I drove my family nuts at the time but once it's time in the cinemas was passed, I never got around to watching it. At least until now....

Alas the passage of time can be cruel: watching this as an adult turned out to be underwhelming. Okay the art direction and the animation is both top notch but its a given seeing this is a Disney movie. But beyond that, I found the connection to Oliver Twist tenuous at best. I'm puzzled by the setting of New York (even if it does look great) and ultimately I found the thing far too short: I could see some possibly of stretching it out beyond the seventy minute running time but sadly it never came about.

So in the end, this movie had some potential and glimpses of brilliance (the fate of Sykes comes to mind) but sadly, it didn't leave much of an impression on me.
Sorry six year old me

Friday, September 1, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Walkabout!

Original image located here. Accessed 1st September 2017

Behold! Scenery Porn: the Movie!
Okay seriously, much has been written about how this movie was a major milestone in Australian cinema, how it portrayed the Australian wilderness and the improvisational nature of the movie (ie the script was just 14 pages of hand-written notes). What can i add to it?

Well it was a passion project of Nicholas Roeg to make a movie that shows off the Australian landscape and to that end he succeeds. Sure there are some odd directorial choices and some puzzling diversions but I felt the movie was at it's strongest when it focused on the three primary characters and the journey they take, discussed the conflict between civilization and nature and, again, the photography.

Mind you, being an Australian, I have seen this type of imagery a gazillion times before as depictions of what Australia is. Therefore it is nice to know that this was where such advertising began.
So in the end, it was a peculiar movie but strangely hypnotic

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Dark Tower

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Dark Tower!

Original image located here. Accessed 25th August 2017

In a word: Disappointing. I knew this was based on a series of fantasy books written by Stephen King but therein lies the main problem: It's a series squashed into a seventy minute movie. As a result, i was confused by this movie and left feeling it should've gone for much longer, Apparently this movie was trying to present something new for the both those familiar with the source material and those unfamiliar with the source material (ie me) but me? I was left feeling flat out baffled.
There's certainly some good ideas to be sure but as a pitch for something larger? No thanks.

Friday, August 18, 2017

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power!

Original image located here. Accessed 18th August 2017

Well I saw An Inconvenient Truth so watching the follow-up is pretty much a given. And if there was a documentary that needed a followup it is certainly this one, just to show the changes that have been wrought since the first movie.

Sadly this follow-up turned out disappointing. One would think Al Gore would take the opportunity to refute the challenges of sceptics and deniers but he doesn't. One would think Al would bring up the improvements made but he doesn't spend enough time on them. But he certainly does spend plenty of time bringing up the the disasters that have occurred and the persuasion of world leaders to take action.

And that is the problem with the film: It seems aimless. It can't be denied that An Inconvenient Truth may have brought awareness, and changes, to the mess that has been made of this planet but I came away feeling we still have a long way to go. Is that truly the reality?
Is it likely that ten years from now we'll have another sequel to An Inconvenient Truth wherein an aged Al Gore talks about more dangers of the environment in a manner that suggests progress has been moving at a glacial pace?

Friday, August 11, 2017

An Inconvenient Truth

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....An Inconvenient Truth!

Original image located here. Accessed 11th August 2017

Those who follow this series will know that the only rule for my Friday night movie is that it has to be something I haven't seen before. Thus it seems a travesty that this movie has slipped my notice, considering the impact it has and the ripples it has throughout the world since. Still, the prospect of a sequel may be a good enough reason to get off my lazy arse and see it.

Thing is, the information presented here is over a decade old. This information has been repeated over and over across the years since. It's not a bad thing as the mess we've made of this planet has been terrifying to say the least but it can't be denied that this documentary has motivated a lot of action. Thus it would be interesting to see the changes that have been made since this documentary was made - hence the need for a sequel.
Oh wait, is said sequel now out in cinemas?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Five Deadly Venoms

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Five Deadly Venoms!

Original image located here. Accessed 4th August 2017

Has anyone heard of this? It's a Hong Kong kung-fu movie from the late seventies. I only heard about it largely through reputation and it being referenced in Kill Bill. So what did I think of it?

Well, there are some goofy moments, some odd sound design and a scene that utilizes the intro music to Monty Python and the Holy Grail but seriously, the only reason people watch kung-fu movies is for the action. And this movie delivers the type of action that is no laughing matter. The action is astonishing, even with the passage of four decades, all held together by the six leads.
Can i think of a better martial arts team assembled on film? No I don't think i can XD

Friday, July 28, 2017

Kubo and the Two Strings

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Kubo and the Two Strings!

Original image located here. Accessed 28th July 2017

I.....for once, am at a lost for words. So i just boil down what it was like seeing this film to a single word:


Yep it's been a while since I've seen a movie to have such an impact but seriously: I think i may have to reconsider my list of favorites and make a prominent space for this one. So many good things with this movie I don't know where to begin. The direction is masterful, the animation quality staggering (moreso when one remembers this is stop-animation) and the heart is enormous.
In fact what are you doing still reading this inane post? Go and watch it. NOW.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Good Will Hunting

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Good Will Hunting!

Original image located here. Accessed 21st July 2017

In the years since this movie, the careers of both Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have gone through ups and downs and have even become punchlines. But once upon a time, they were two young actors who figured the only way to get anywhere was to write their own script. And clearly it worked.

As for the movie itself, there's something to be said about a character who has potential but does not (or is unwilling to) realise it. There's something to be said about a movie that is clearly baiting for an Oscar that has so much cussing in it. There's something to be said for a movie that has excellent performances all around (one of which won a well-deserved Oscar). And there's something to be said about a movie that connects with it's audience. I will admit that i can see some of myself in the titular character and if a movie can do that, then it must've done something right
Also, Happy Birthday Robin T__T

Friday, July 14, 2017

Spiderman: Homecoming

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Spiderman: Homecoming!

Original image located here. Accessed 14th July 2017

Marvel may have 'borrowed' the rights to make a Spiderman movie from Sony so what now? Are they going to show them how to do it properly?
Sarcasm aside, this is the sixth Spiderman movie so is there anything that can be done with this character?

Apparently so. Yes this is the Marvel formula applied to a teen movie and yes it delivers what we all kind of expect from this studio by now, but it works! Better still, we have an interesting villain (something Marvel has often struggled with), we have Tony Stark being a mentor as opposed to an irresponsible jerk (helped considerably by RDJ's performance), and we have Spiderman taken seriously. It may be doomed to remain trapped in the shadow of the Sam Raimi films but it does it;s own thing, adds something new to the mythos and the MCU and is a decent film in it's own right - a difficult balancing act to say the least but it works.

So when's the Infinity War duology coming then?

Friday, July 7, 2017

Beauty and the Beast

 And this week's Friday night movie has been... Beauty and the Beast (2017)!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th July 2017

Hooo boy, how this one made me cautious in my approach.
Let it be known that Beauty and the Beast is my favourite of the Disney Renaissance so I wasn't exactly eager to see this new version. What was wrong with the original that warranted a second go (besides a cash grab?). Still I was open to the possibility of being surprised.....

I think it's fair to say that this movie will be one of those that will polarize people: The kind that attract detractors and supporters who will defend it with unusual fervor. Me? Well I didn't think this movie was a complete disaster, but i came away underwhelmed.
Okay, so sure the movie was visually interesting and the art direction was engaging and some of the new stuff worked (I particularly liked that Harpsichord) but there's something about this movie that leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

You see, one selling point of this movie was that addressed some of the plot holes of the original. Not a bad choice but there were times when i felt like it was the sole point of the movie. Or, as another critic put it, it was like the movie was written by someone on the internet who wanted to say "I'm Smarter Than a Disney Movie!" - and in that case, you're still being patronized to. Thus, in the haste to correct the plot holes, it seems the script forgot to work on some of the more important elements. Consequently some of the more important parts (ie Belle's imprisonment and Beast letting Belle go) come across as abrupt - and this movie is longer than the original!

I'm also not fond of the Beast either: He seems far too much of a jerk and looks far too much like a satyr than that wonderful creation of the original. But the original was purely a creation of 2d animation so the question remains: What can you do in live action that hasn't already been done better elsewhere?
So in the end, it's not a disaster but I'll stick with the original thank you very much

Friday, June 30, 2017

Silence of the Lambs

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Silence of the Lambs!

Original image located here. Accessed 30th June 2017

In regards to selecting my Friday night movie, I only have one rule: The question of 'Have I seen this movie before?'. Needless to say, the movies I haven't seen are the ones that get watched. But this one is an intriguing selection: Largely because this movie has been referenced and parodied so many times that coming to the source is a challenge to say the least.

To be honest, there's not a lot else I can say about his movie that hasn't been already said. Yes that may sound like a boring answer but what else can I say? It's tense, disturbing, and it boasts Anthony Hopkins' most unforgettable role. Even if this movie has been parodied to death it still holds some considerable power twenty six years on.
Still, i doubt I've seen a movie with so many close ups XD

Friday, June 23, 2017

Taxi Driver

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Taxi Driver!

Original image located here. Accessed 23rd June 2017

There's not a lot I can say about this movie that hasn't already been said before: A major step in Martin Scorsese's career, a star-making role for Robert de Niro, Bernard Herrmann's final movie score, and a very unflattering portrayal of New York City.

What I find interesting about this movie however, is it's still relevant some forty-one years later. The main character is a guy, Travis, who is paranoid, lonely, woefully cut off from modern society and has no idea how to interact with anyone else. Thing is, such people still exist only they aren't buying firearms, they're yelling at other people on the internet.
It's quite a demand on me, the viewer, to try and connect with such a character. Travis runs the gauntlet of being pathetic, frightening and strangely sympathetic. He is just like any other socially maladjusted misanthrope that we may have encountered at one stage in our lives in one form or another. So how am i supposed to react? Judging by the eventual fate of Travis by the end of the movie, it seems the movie is just as unclear as I am.
Which is why it succeeds.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Ever After: A Cinderella Story

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Ever After: A Cinderella Story!

Original image located here. Accessed 16th June 2017

This may seem like an odd choice but I have been intrigued by this movie ever since I first heard of it: A more realistic telling of the Cinderella story? Sounds like an intriguing challenge to me (although why it took me nineteen years to see it is...oh wait we're getting sidetracked here).

But yes, this movie is actually a delight. It works for me in that it takes a story told many times before and treats it as a historical fiction, eschewing much of the magic that is associated with the original tale. I mean why have a fairy godmother when you have Leonardo da Vinci instead?

Also pleasing is the treatment of the stepsisters and the stepmother (Angelica Huston is a standout) as real characters and not being evil for the sake of evil. The Prince and the King (and Queen) also get some substantial screen time and character development that the original story didn't provide.
In fact, now that i think of it, was this the turning point for the Cinderella mythos? Where everyone started treating the other characters as actual characters? Probably not, but I can't stop thinking that....

So in conclusion this movie was a lot of fun and enjoyable for the dateless wond...sorry, hopeless romantics out there

Friday, June 9, 2017

Wonder Woman

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Wonder Woman!

Original image located here. Accessed 9th June 2017

Yeah it's all right.

Okay seriously, it's a given that DC's attempts to chase Marvel's successes are obvious to the point of painful. And such attempts have divided audiences drastically (ie Man of Steel, Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad). So what do you do when you've got your back to the wall? You knuckle down and make a decent movie, that's what.

So yeah there is a lot going for this movie. And it shows that a lot of effort has been put in the correct previous mistakes: A script with proper structure and plausible dialogue; a distinct lack of drab colors; action scenes that aren't a mess of confusion and blurry shots; And a true understanding of the character.

It's not quite on par with Marvel's finest but it succeeds because it shows DC are putting in effort and learning from their mistakes. Now it remains to be seen if DC can stop themselves from falling back into bad habits....

Friday, June 2, 2017

Return to Oz

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Return to Oz!

Original image located here. Accessed 2nd June 2017

Said it once and I'll say it again: The Eighties were a surprisingly fertile time for fantasy movies and they look very different to the movies made in a post-Lord of the Rings world. But in the case of Return to Oz, this is the one that has a rotten reputation, being disowned as being nightmare fuel for many a young child and a bastard offspring for a much-beloved family movie.

Me? I thought it was great! Sure I'm speaking from the vantage point of being an adult, but I thought the movie was inventive, creative and the practical effects look great. The sets were something to behold as well.
All of which would be enough to grant a pass from me, but I'm just pleased that, unlike the gazillion adaptations of Wonderful Wizard of Oz, someone decided to go beyond the first book. In a fourteen book series.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Gran Torino

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Gran Torino!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th May 2017

I've always loved Clint Eastwood - one my favorite actors and he makes some great movies to boot. And here we are at what was intended to be his final hurrah as an actor.
And what do you know: He does a superb job. Clint is more or less playing an aged incarnation of one of his most famous roles, Dirty Harry, but Walt is no less charismatic, intimidating, or quick with the quip than Mr Callahan.

I've heard criticisms that this movie relied on the trope of the 'Great White Hope' to help out some oppressed Asians but I never got that impression. What i saw was a movie about a damaged man reclaiming his humanity and eventually finding redemption
But then again, that's the type of role that Clint could do in his sleep.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Alien: Convenant

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Alien Covenant!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th May 2017

I......honestly don't know what to make of this movie. Is it a rehash of Alien? Is it a lot of talking and philosophizing that I found more draining than engaging? Is it just a movie with more meat-shields than actual characters? Or is it incomprehensible to me as I've never seen Prometheus?
Still that escape sequence was pretty awesome

Friday, May 12, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Excalibur!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th May 2017

I admit I have an interest for fantasy movies in the eighties because they strike me as looking more gritty and grungy than the fantasy movies made in a post-Lord of the Rings world. I will argue that the eighties produced some solid fantasy movies (ie Labyrinth, Conan the Barbarian, Never Ending Story and this) with a unique look that has never since been replicated.

As for the movie itself, this was a decent retelling of the stry of King Arthur and indeed setting a benchmark for future adaptations. Ever since I was a young lad I'd always associated King Arthur with the stories of heroism that made them famous - so it is indeed a surprise to see this adaptation boasting lots of grittiness, blood and sex. No way around it: Excalibur is King Arthur viewed through the lens of eighties Low fantasy and is all the better for it.
Special mention must also go to the use of music with O Fortuna and Siegfried's Funeral March
Plus it's fun to see a young Gabriel Bryne, Patrick Stewart, Liam Neeson and Helen Mirren.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th May 2017

No way around it: This movie does face a challenge living up the original: A movie where Marvel took a risk dusting off a lesser-known property (among many other risks) and ending up striking gold. So how does the sequel hold up?
Well it may not have surprise of the original, but it still plays up to it's strengths: Witty dialogue, interesting locales and characters that play off each other.There certainly is plenty of room for some character development and, whilst this movie may certainly be buying some time until the Infinity War, one doesn't get that impression.
All in all, it's a decent film and a step up from previous Marvel sequels

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Princess and the Frog

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Princess and the Frog!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th April 2017

I enjoyed this one, what with it's playful animation, snappy soundtrack, New Orleans setting & art design (par for the course with Disney) and a truly glorious villain in the form of Dr Facilier (oh Keith David, is there nothing you can do?).

HOWEVER! I was enjoying the first half hour so much that (and I swear I'm going to be in the minority when I say this) when the movie moves away from New Orleans and to the swamp, I found the movie came to a grinding halt and a lot of what made the film initially interesting got shoved to one side. Needless to say, for me it took some time before it got back on track again.
Grumbling aside though, this movie did a lot right and it did it well.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Four Lions

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Four Lions!

Original image located here. Accessed 31st March 2017

I like British Comedy and I like black comedies - both of which appeal to my (admittedly demented) sense of humor. So this movie was a certainly amusing, smart and, at times, poignant. Just the way i like them.
Great cameo by Benedict Cumberbatch too

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Social Network

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Social Network!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th March 2017

You know, watching the opening credits I noticed this movie was written by Aaron Sorkin. Which is fascinating to me because I know this man less through his works and more through YouTube videos parodying his works. Funny yes but strangely less unusual in this internet-powered culture we live in today.

As for the movie itself, yeah it wasn't bad. Lotsa dialogue (kinda expected for the writer) but honestly? I don't see it any different from a rags-to-riches-hang-on-you-stole-my-idea-I'll-gunna-sue-you story
However! I did find a particular poignancy in the last scene. Especially this line: "You're not an asshole Mark - you're just trying so hard not to be"

In a world of internet-culture, where the dominant voice is the loudest, there's something to be said for such clarity

Friday, March 17, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Titanic!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th March 2017

I've spoken previously about approaching movies with a reputation big enough to inspire intimidation but this one takes the cake.

You see, I remember this being a big deal in my last year of high school and my first year of college. Some people loved it but others hated it. It gave Leonardo Di Caprio's profile a mammoth boost. It made people call James Cameron a traitor for going to action movies (Terminator 1+2 and Aliens) to making a romance. It inspired criticisms ranging from the length, how the ship sinking was the only good thing about it and giving us that damn Celine Dion song.

A formidable reputation to be sure but for me the only way to approach this movie was to build some distance from it and view it on my own terms (as always). Well, two decades is a suitable enough distance so what do I think of this movie?

Yeah, it's not bad.

Strangely enough I didn't find Titanic slow or tedious as it's reputation suggests. The level of detail is impressive and the CGI effects still hold up rather well. Special mention must also go to the (very long) sinking sequence which is both impressive and horrific at once.

Ultimately though Titanic was indeed a passion project for James Cameron and it shows. It may be his show but it's certainly a good one

Friday, March 10, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Bridesmaids!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th March 2017

I was interested in this movie because it was written by Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo - so instead, of male comedians writing their own movie we have female comedians writing their own movie. It's an admirable change of pace but does it work?

Actually it does. This was a genuine surprise for me. I found myself really getting into this movie and laughing out loud at certain moments. I was expecting a lot of female-centric jokes that would end up going over my head but that wasn't the case. There's some great comedic talent being put to work and some priceless moments.
Could've done without some of the gross-out humour however but you can't have everything.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Emperor's New Groove

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Emperor's New Groove!

Original image located here. Accessed 3rd March 2017

No way around it: It seems to me that people don't like this - or at least overlook it - because it's part of Disney's post-renaissance slump.
Not so with me: i thought it was hilarious! Easily the funniest of Disney's animated features with rapid fire jokes, riotous timing, witty dialogue and a show-stealing duo that is Yzma and Krunk.
As always the art direction is superb, with the Incan feel but seeing as this is Disney, that's hardly a surprise.

I've heard this movie being compared to the Looney Tunes shorts and i can sorta see that - but if anything, this seems like Disney's attempt to beat the Warner Bros at their own game. And it works

Friday, February 24, 2017

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th February 2017

Once again this is a case of me seeing the sequel before it's predecessor: I saw Bogus Journey years ago when I was a kid but it is only now I've seen this, the original movie.

I have fond memories of Bogus Journey but maybe that's through the eyes of youth. That being said, I did enjoy Excellent Adventure through an adult perspective but I have to wonder what the younger me would have thought of it. Still, this movie made me laugh so it succeeded as a comedy - and, seeing as we all live in a tribal society, perhaps there is value in 'Being Excellent to each other'
Oh and Keanu Reeves should play more stoners - he seems to be really good at doing that XD

Friday, February 17, 2017

Only Yesterday

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Only Yesterday!

Original image located 
here. Accessed 17th February 2017

Hayao Miyazaki may have become synonymous with Studio Ghibli but that does present a problem: Ghibli's other works (you know, the one's not directed by Miayzaki and/or not feature fantastical whimsy) may find themselves getting the shaft. Which is a shame because some of them are pretty good in their own right.

Which brings us to Only Yesterday. Once again, this is an anime movie that shows that Ghibli can do 'Slice of Life' anime really well. The art direction is astonishing and could well be the most beautiful of Ghibli's works - which is certainly saying something.
But I have to admit this movie does come with a degree of resonance for me: It is a reflection on a life lived and how one's choices can shape one's self - and how they can never hold anyone back. It's something for me to consider as I limp through my mid-thirties, and posting reflective Notes in this corner of cyberspace. Thus, if a movie has had such a profound effect then it must've done something right
Oh and special mention must go to the end-credits sequence - truly a thing of beauty.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Devil At Your Heels

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Devil at Your Heels!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th February 2017

Has anyone heard of this? This is a 1981 documentary on the (now deceased) Canadian stuntman Ken Carter. This follows his attempts to perform the ultimate stunt: Jumping the St Lawrence River (on the border of Canada and the U.S.) in a rocket car. It was Ken's intention that this be his moment of glory after twenty years of car jumps.

So what this documentary....documents is the journey to make that jump. But it never runs smoothly: It covers five years (!) to make it happen, wherein so many things go wrong with backers coming and going, numerous attempts to drum up support, technical faults and delays & cancellations upon delays & cancellations. It may sound like grounds for a Monty Python skit but it's not: There is an aura of tragedy - particularly when one sees Ken Carter himself: He's always talking up this jump like any man with a dream and he certainly has the passion and conviction to see it through. Thus in a way, you really feel sorry for the guy when nothing is going right.
Still, great documentary, and it;s great to finally see it after some twenty four years since i was first made aware of it.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Killing

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Killing!

Original image located here. Accessed 27th January 2017

I have been asked how I choose the movies to watch on a Friday night. In this case, it was down to two reasons.

The first reason it was an early film by Stanley Kubrick - someone whose work i have held an interest in for a long time. And in the sense that each of his films is a separate entity onto itself, The Killing shows Kubrick to handle a crime movie pretty well. Sure it may be dated (it was made in 1955 after all) and I'm not sure about the use of the narrator, but the movie had enough clout to maintain my attention and have me see it through to the end.

The second reason are the alleged similarities between this and Reservoir Dogs. Although Quentin Tarantino has credited the Killing as an influence and dismissed claims of trying to do a rip-off, it did not stop similarities arising - even to the point where some TV channel in the UK showed both movies back to back. Personally i don't see the similarities beyond the basic plot of 'a bunch of guys pull off a heist and it goes wrong'. I think what separates both films is the Killing is BEFORE the heist and Reservoir Dogs is AFTER the heist.
So yeah, I enjoyed the Killing a lot because it had my attention - which is what a movie should do.

Friday, January 20, 2017


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Moana!

Original image located here. Accessed 20th January 2017

It would seem now that every Disney Animated feature is doomed to remain in the shadow of Frozen. Such a thing would be unfair to say but if Frozen changed the rules of being a Disney princess, and subsequently became a runaway hit, it remains to see what will be done in a post-Frozen environment.

That being said, with regards to Moana, there is a lot going for it: I like the characters, the songs, the art direction (the art direction!) and the very high quality of animation. Maui is a riot (especially when one considers who's voicing him), Tamatoa is a hilarious channeling of David Bowie and the climax/resolution is truly a thing of beauty.
Some people are saying that the movie is falling back on Disney's tried-and-tested formulas and not pushing the envelope but I really enjoyed this movie. And, in the terms of portraying Polynesian cultures, this movie is indeed a success.

Friday, January 13, 2017


And this week's Friday night move has been.....Chopper!

Original image located here. Accessed 13th January 2017

So this was the movie that pretty much launched Eric Bana's star into the stratosphere. And I will agree he alone makes the movie. But get past that I'm not sure what to make of the movie itself. Is it cautionary tale? A character study? An attempt to beat Tarantino at his own game?

Still, I've seen plenty of Australian made films and this is, hands down, one of the most memorable. So something must've worked.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Rogue One

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Rogue One!

Original image located here. Accessed 6th January 2017

Ever since i saw Force Awakens, I've come to regard it as the 'Apology Letter for the Prequel Trilogy'. But now that Lucasfilm/Disney have got it out of their system, they can return to making proper movies now, right? And can we tell a story that doesn't involve the horrifically dysfunctional Skywalker family?

Apparently we can. Now, speaking as a fan of both Star Wars Rebels and Knights of the Old Republic, I welcome any opportunity to see the Star Wars universe from a different angle. And I certainly got it here. Great action, gripping set pieces and a truly exciting climax. I also like how the Jedi/Force stuff took a backseat, to make way for a grittier look at the rebellion and the Star Wars equivalent of the Dirty Dozen. Rogue One is certainly different to the regular Star Wars flair but it's all the better for it
Incidentally, did anyone else think that Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus deserved their own movie? Because I'd watch that!