Friday, June 23, 2017

Taxi Driver

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Taxi Driver!

Original image located here. Accessed 23rd June 2017

There's not a lot I can say about this movie that hasn't already been said before: A major step in Martin Scorsese's career, a star-making role for Robert de Niro, Bernard Herrmann's final movie score, and a very unflattering portrayal of New York City.

What I find interesting about this movie however, is it's still relevant some forty-one years later. The main character is a guy, Travis, who is paranoid, lonely, woefully cut off from modern society and has no idea how to interact with anyone else. Thing is, such people still exist only they aren't buying firearms, they're yelling at other people on the internet.
It's quite a demand on me, the viewer, to try and connect with such a character. Travis runs the gauntlet of being pathetic, frightening and strangely sympathetic. He is just like any other socially maladjusted misanthrope that we may have encountered at one stage in our lives in one form or another. So how am i supposed to react? Judging by the eventual fate of Travis by the end of the movie, it seems the movie is just as unclear as I am.
Which is why it succeeds.

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