About this blog

 Hi there. I am the Alchemist. 

This is one of my blogs.

I started this blog to talk about my love for movies. 

I'm sure that many people will spend their Friday evening watching a movie. It's a good way to see out the working week and great way to relax. For me, it happens on a regular basis and its how I see my movies, both current and past. I have been doing this for numerous years, watching movies and writing about them. And now is the time that I take these observations from beyond a select audience.

This blog will contain both current and past reviews of movies. It will both function as an archive for the movies I've seen and any more recent viewings.

I am pretty general with my movie tastes and will not be restricted by genre or era. Indeed, any true movie geek would watch anything they can get their hands on. In fact, the only concrete rule in place with my movie viewing is:

It must be a movie I haven't seen before.

Of course, there is room for loopholes (fanedits still count, movies I've seen parts of count) but it is a rule that has served me well previously.

Anywho, hope you enjoy reading about the movies I watch!

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