Friday, December 29, 2017

The Disaster Artist

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Disaster Artist!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th December 2017

Well, hasn't this turned out to be critical darling? Apparently, it's the best film of the year, it's a laugh riot, James Franco delivers a mesmerizing performance and he's a shoe-in for the Best Actor Oscar. Is there really anything to add?

Well I loved the book so I was disappointed with the changes (oh here we go!). With the film scenes, they emphasized Tommy's enthusiasm/incompetence and toned down his actual nastiness - which brings forth the question of how much influence Tommy had in getting THIS film made. Also they didn't include the part where Sandy leaves the production which is disappointing - not only is a standout moment in the book but it would've made for an equally powerful moment translated to film.

Other than that, this movie was great. Great performances all around and the movie itself is a compelling watch. The pre-credits recreation of the scenes of the original are also a hoot. Will it win Best Picture at the Oscars? Probably not but here's hoping it does just for the delicious irony.
One question though, with the success of this movie, Tommy Wisseau is going to attract more media attention than ever before. Whilst The Disaster Artist does claim no one knows Tommy's age, country of origin and source of his limitless wealth, i wonder if some determined journalist might see it as a challenge.
I mean we had a determined journalist expose Lance Armstrong for the drug cheat he was....

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