Friday, December 23, 2016

Joyeux Noel

And this year's Christmas Eve movie has been.....Joyeux Noel!

Original image located here. Accessed 23rd December 2016, I came into this movie not knowing what to expect (beyond the general concept of it being based on the WW1 Christmas Truce) and I came away impressed. A superb movie and certainly gripping. It's also interesting to see a war movie which focuses on the different sides involved.

But really, this movie is about a bunch of soldiers from three factions who, despite the war going around them, desired for a peace and, on Christmas Eve, put down their weapons and joined together in solidarity. And in a year which saw the lines of division grow even wider, I think we can all learn something from that.

Have a Merry Christmas

Friday, December 9, 2016

Searching For Sugar Man

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Searching For Sugar Man!

Original image located here. Accessed 9th December 2016

I think we know all the story by now: Rodriguez, A troubadour from Detroit US, makes two albums in the early seventies which don't go anywhere. But unbeknownst to him, Rodriguez's music finds an audience in South Africa where his albums are big sellers and he himself is ionized. And of course this documentary played an instrumental role in giving Rodriguez a wider audience and the subsequent belated success that eluded him.

So what can i say that hasn't been said already? The documentary was fascinating, the story was both incredible and engaging and, i have to admit, i did get the feels when confronted with the video footage of Rodriguez playing his first show in South Africa in front of a sell-out audience.
I recently had the pleasure of seeing Rodriguez perform live (and that was before I saw this documentary). He was funny, charismatic, and can certainly engage a crowd.

Friday, December 2, 2016


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Enchanted!

Original image located here. Accessed 2nd December 2016

You gotta hand it to Disney: Poking fun at themselves and the tropes they pioneered. I will gladly support any big company that has the willingness to laugh at themselves and this film delivers in spades. Oh and Amy Adams. She was a riot to watch and she pretty much steals the show. So yeah: Great film!
Could've done without that dragon at the end though....

Friday, November 25, 2016

Doctor Strange

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Dr Strange!

Original image located here. Accessed 25th November 2016

I went into this movie expecting something along the lines of 'Inception on steroids' and, in a way, that's kind of what I got. The SFX were certainly mind-blowing and, in an age were CGI is overused to the point of tedium, one gets the feelings the makers of Dr Strange wanted to show everyone how it's done. In that case, mission accomplished! (although i hope there were some practical FX in there somewhere...).

Other than that, the character of Dr Strange was great (helped considerably by the actor performing him) and it would be interesting to see him fit in with the rest of the MCU...wait, he'll be in the new Thor movie? With both Thor AND Hulk?! Oh YES!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Barry Lyndon

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Barry Lyndon!

 Original image located here. Accessed 11th November 2016

I have to say, this movie was a surprise. I'd heard beforehand about how the movie involved a lot of natural lighting - notably the use of candles in certain indoor scenes - but nothing could prepare just how visually beautiful this film was. The art direction (the art direction!!!), the attention to detail and how true to the time period this movie was blew me away. So much so, I found myself caring less for the drama that was unfolding before me. But that's not to say i found it dull - the final duel scene in particular being a stand out.

All in all, seems we got another winner here

Friday, November 4, 2016

Raging Bull

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Raging Bull!

 Original image located here. Accessed 4th November 2016

Once again, I have myself facing down one of THOSE movies: A movie widely regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time that it comes across as intimidating. Will I like this or not? How will i address a rate of expectation that can't possibly be reached?

Well to be honest I'm not sure if i can add anything that hasn't been already said about this movie: It's the anti-Rocky, it's Robert de Niro's show, the >direction is top notch, the cinematography gripping, the fighting brutal and the drama compelling.

But I will say at least I now know where Ant-Man (in Civil War) got the phrase "I'm the Boss! I'm the Boss! I'm the Boss!"

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Nightmare Before Christmas

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Original image located here. Accessed 28th October 2016

Well seeing it's Halloween weekend....

This may come as a surprise but I've never actually seen this movie before. I do recall seeing ads for this on repeat at Area 52 (before it was Area 52) and I've certainly seen a lot of merch since but I don't recall this being a movie that everyone went out and saw. But it's only now, years later, that people are admitting that they really like it.

However, to be honest, I'm not sure what to make of this movie. Sure the art direction, the visuals and the animation are all stunning but I think they're the only thing keeping the boat afloat. Sure there's a great idea about holidays intruding in on each other but one hindered by a 76 min running time.
If anything, I think Honest Trailers put it best: "This is Hot Topic! This is Hot Topic!"

Friday, October 21, 2016


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Singles!

Original image located here. Accessed 21st October 2016

Well what can I say about this one? It's definitely a product of it's time but as a time capsule of early nineties Seattle and the music that came with it, it's kinda cool. There are some fun cameos (Tim Burton, Chris Cornell and three fifths of Pearl Jam) and it also helps that the movie itself is both funny and entertaining

Friday, October 7, 2016

Road to Perdition

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Road to Perdition!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th October 2016

I don't recall this movie being that big a deal when it was originally released - and compared to other graphic novel / comic book movies, it comes across, at least to me, to be overlooked. Sure these movies can't all be on par with the MCU but considering the patchy reputation these type of movies have, they can't all be bad right?

Well, i didn't see Road to Perdition as a comic book movie or an American rehash of the Japanese manga Lone Wolf and Cub. No, I saw it as a crime drama. And to that end, the movie is remarkably effective. Exceptional visuals, directing and soundtrack make for a gripping film and there's some truly unforgettable moments - the diner scene and ambush in the pouring rain being two such examples.

I reiterate: comic book movies tend to have a patchy reputation but this is undoubtedly one of the best. But there's something to consider: Did Road to Perdition become the turning point where people started taking comic book movies seriously again that it ultimately paved the way for the MCU? One can only wonder....

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Bride With White Hair

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Bride With White Hair!

Original image located here. Accessed 30th September 2016

Has anyone heard of this? It's something of an underground hit in Kung-Fu/Asian cinema that has created repercussions since - Allegedly the titular character was the inspiration for Xena Warrior Princess.

As for the movie.....well.... it was weird. Sure the fight sequences were exciting and choreography stunning to behold. Sure the plot was an interesting variation on Romeo and Juliet and the drama compelling. Sure the cinematography was superb but in the was weird. Particularly that climatic fight scene which left me feeling like the movie had completely lost it's mind.

Weirdness aside though, the reason why i watch kung-fu movies is for the fight scenes and this one has it in spades. So I'll take that for what it's worth.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Kingdom of Heaven

And this weeks Friday night movie has been.....Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut)!

Original image located here. Accessed 16th September 2016

With my Friday night movie, I make it a point to avoid movies I have seen before. In this case however, I'll make an exception. True I've seen this movie before when it was originally released on DVD but this time it's the same movie but in the guise of a director's cut. Which, as is my understanding, is regarded by critics as superior to the original (is it therefore any surprise that this and Blade Runner are both from the same director?)

Well it seems the critics were right. I thought the original by itself was okay but somehow the director's cut elevates it to something higher. I guess I can put it down to recognizing certain actors (ie Alexander Siddig) and having read the extraordinary story of King Baldwin (props to Edward Norton) but. seeing it again with fresh eyes and new footage has left a sizable impression when the original couldn't.
All in all, this was a superb film and, now that i think about it, perhaps the best representation I've seen of the Crusades.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Red Cliff

And this weeks Friday night movie has been.....Red Cliff (parts 1 and 2)!

Original image located here. Accessed 9th September 2016

Let it be known that I like me some John Woo. The man sure knows how to make an action movie and I rank his opus The Killer as the benchmark of all action movies. And whilst I have previously been disappointed with his American-made material, a return to his Hong Kong roots may be cause to raise an eyebrow.

And boy was this duology epic. Everything about it is massive, both in length, size and scope. The battle scenes are staggering and the visuals are stunning to behold. It did take an effort to go through both installments but I tell you: it was worth it!
Have to wonder though: Was this an attempt to beat the Lord of the Rings trilogy at their own game? It's possible but if it was, then it was a pretty good effort.

Friday, September 2, 2016

A Bug's Life

And this weeks Friday night movie has been.....A Bug's Life!

Original image located here. Accessed 9th September 2016

I admit it: I've ever seen this movie before. I do recall, when this was originally screened in cinemas, seeing Antz instead and enjoying that movie. But I never got around to seeing A Bug's Life. Maybe it was the similarities between the two that made me suspicious. But no matter: I've now seen A Bug's Life and.....

...Yeah it wasn't bad.
I have to say this straight up: The Circus Bugs really made this movie. They were so funny, so entertaining and work off of each other that they pretty much stole the show. But that's it: The rest of the movie I found kinda under par (for Pixar). I did get some enjoyment out of the movie but it's no Inside Out. ("Binnnng Boonnnngggggg!!!!!!!!!!!")

Friday, August 26, 2016

Conan the Barbarian

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Conan the Barbarian!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th August 2016

Once again, this is a movie that i finally see having only experienced the effect (as opposed to the cause). I know that Conan the Barbarian is a benchmark of heroic fantasy; I know that this movie, along with the artwork of Frank Frazetta, played a major role in bringing Conan to a wider audience than previously; I recall seeing the sequel Conan the Destroyer when i was ten (or thereabouts) and, later, the cartoon Conan the Adventurer; I know Conan inspired similar IP (Golden Axe anyone?). But in spite of all that, it's only now that I've seen this movie.

As for the movie itself, I'm likening it to the evil twin of the Lord of the Rings movies: It is cheaper, nastier, dour, reliant on a different approach to SFX, has a lot of bare flesh, offers a scenario that is far from heroic and thrives on being something of a power fantasy.
Still, this movie is easy to see how it made Arnie a star (that is until The Terminator) and the score is incredible to say the least. And as a Low Fantasy it works rather well.
So in the end, it's a nasty piece of work but the good kind of nasty. If that makes any sense

Friday, August 19, 2016

Enter the Dragon

And this weeks Friday night movie has been.....Enter the Dragon!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th August 2016

This may come to a surprise to some people but I haven't seen any Bruce Lee movies before this one. Maybe it was the whole martyring of him that put me off (see also: James Dean, River Phoenix and Heath Ledger). But you can only stick your head in the sand for so long.

So what did I think of this movie? Well, it's interesting to see this movie having been familiar with Mortal Kombat (both the game and the movie) and see where Midway pillaged their ideas from. But in reality, we go to see Bruce Lee in a movie just to see him kick the living daylights out of so many goons. And to that end, the movie delivers: The fight scenes are all superbly done and the action is exciting & fast-paced.

So in the end, Enter the Dragon is Bruce Lee's show and what a show it is

Friday, August 12, 2016

Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th August 2012

Man was this a ride and half. It was fun, inventive and remarkably faithful to the source material. Having read the Tintin books when i was a kid, i picked up a lot of subtle references and I was particularly impressed with what was accomplished through the animation - that, lets be honest here, LA wouldn't have a hope of matching. Seriously I doubt I could ever see the continuous take that was the falcon chase done in LA.

You know, prior to his death, Herge said that Spielberg was the only one who could do Tintin justice. Seems such a declaration was right on the money

Friday, August 5, 2016

Rambo: First Blood

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Rambo: First Blood!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th August 2016

Growing up in the eighties it always seemed that Rambo was a character synonymous with big/dumb action movies. So it is indeed a shock to see this first movie in this series as not being the case. Its not about a big dumb action hero, its about a Vietnam veteran suffering from PTSD.

So if we move away from the mask of an action movie, there's a lot going for Rambo: First Blood. There's some great use of suspense, it works really well as a thriller movie and Rambo's final breakdown could well be Stallone's finest acting ever. So yeah, I found the first Rambo movie a gripping one - although I doubt I'd bother with the sequels.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Wolf Children

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Wolf Children!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th July 2016

I like Mamoru Hosoda: I enjoyed both Summer Wars and the Girl Who Leapt Through Time and this effort completes the hat trick.

You know, I actually don't want to talk about this movie - largely out of fear that my descriptions will undermine the movie itself.

So i will not talk about the beautiful animation. I will not talk about the craftsmanship involved in this movie. I will not talk about the appealing characters. I will not talk about the trials and tribulations these characters go through. I will not talk about the emotional roller-coaster this movie set me on. And I will not talk about the times this movie left me a blubbering mess.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Ant Man

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Ant Man!

Original image located here. Accessed 22nd July 2016

They say that when you watch enough movies (or read enough books or play enough games) you start to recognize patterns emerging and identifying formulas. And having seen several Marvel movies in a row, i have to admit that yes: A formula is starting to reveal itself with villains that are a) egotists determined to be the best or b) misguided dudes committed to a 'greater good'. This subsequently makes the Marvel villains And Ant Man offers nothing new to the the table. Hopefully Marvel will have this problem of dull villains sorted by the time Doctor Strange rolls around (maybe this is an opening that Suicide Squad could exploit?).

As for the movie itself, it was actually another winner to the Marvel stable. I heard that this movie went through a lot of trouble to get made so to see it come through looking like it did is truly an achievement. I like the smaller scale of the movie and the heist it eventually leads to. And full credit to Paul Rudd, without whom would've made a much duller movie (and suddenly the cheers from the audience when he appeared in Civil War makes sense).
Needless to say, it will be interesting to see where this character goes next...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Captain America: Winter Soldier

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Captain America: Winter Soldier!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th July 2016

Finally got to see this all the way through. Previously I'd started watching this but I never got around to finishing it - it got deleted off the hard drive by mistake. Yet I'd seen enough of Winter Soldier to follow Civil War. But now, of course, all the gaps have been filled.

So yeah: Great movie. Plays like a spy movie and is all the better for it. Funny thing is that whilst the sequels to Iron Man and Thor tend to pale next to their predecessor, the Captain America movies instead get better and better.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Thor: The Dark World

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Thor the Dark World!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th July 2016

So why did I fall behind with the MCU? Well, I saw this list online of how to watch the entire MCU (that being the movies, TV series and the rest) in chronological order. I made it my goal to watch this in order but then there was the wait to get everything. Sure that may seem a bizarre reason considering this digital age in which we live in has made everything readily available but I've always maintained that things are better off discovered in your own time.

As for the movie, I do agree with the consensus that this is indeed one of, if not the, weakest link in the MCU chain. Sure it looks fantastic but everything moves at such a hurried pace that one gets the feeling there's a sizable chunk of the movie missing and what we're seeing is two thirds of a complete movie. I did like the first movie a lot but this sequel seems a let down by comparison.
And then there's Thor himself: he's the star of his own movie but he still ends up being upstaged by Loki.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Iron Man 3

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Iron Man 3!

Original image located here Accessed 14th July 2023 

I feel ashamed to admit this but I've been dreadfully slack with keeping up to date with the MCU. I've missed half of the 2nd phase! Nevertheless, time is on my side so I can still rectify this situation. 

As for the movie itself, I feel that every Iron Man movie (and to a lesser extent, the Avengers movies), is doomed to remain in the shadow of the first Iron Man movie. Still, this movie was an improvement on No.2 and it's pleasing that Tony Stark has significant character development. Furthermore, it's always great to see more 'Genius' Tony Stark as opposed to 'Jerk' Tony Stark. Also Ben Kingsley looked like he was having fun 🙂

Friday, June 24, 2016

21 Jump Street

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....21 Jump Street!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th June 2012 

I've heard lots of stories on how difficult it is to get movies made, with the likes of projects being trapped in development hell and studio execs interfering. That being said, I'm baffled as to how this movie got made: It took the IP of some TV show and made something out of it, let along something great! This movie isn't a reboot, it is it;s own thing and is all the better for it. I reiterate: how did something so great get made? (Mind you I had the same reaction with Deadpool). 

 So yeah, I really liked this one 🙂

Friday, June 17, 2016


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Ghostbusters!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th June 2016 

This may seem strange to some of you (particularly my fellow children of the eighties) but I've never actually seen Ghostbusters all the way through. Sure I saw, when i was a kid, Ghostbusters 2 and the cartoon. Sure I know of the franchise and the so-eighties-its-cringeworthy theme song but it's kinda weird to come to the point where it all started. This, in turn, raises a level of expectation that is pretty much astronomical (never a good sign). 

 But I'm pleased to say that this movie was actually pretty good. There's certainly some good laughs and the practical effects hold up really well. In fact. get past the whole 'franchise starts here' and it's clear that Ghostbusters is solid proof that comedy and big-budget-sfx are not only compatible but they work really well together. So yeah, looks like we got a winner here 🙂

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Shawshank Redemption

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....The Shawshank Redemption!

 Original image located here. Accessed 10th June 2016

It seems strange to admit that I'd never seen this movie before: It wasn't a big deal with it's initial run at the cinema but it's popularity grew largely through word of mouth and rentals - to the point where so many people have seen the movie and rank it quite highly.

And whom am i to argue? This movie was compelling enough to engage with me all the way through and indeed, says a lot about redemption (funnily enough), keeping a straight head in a hopeless situation and finding a breakthrough in amongst bleakness.
I think we can all learn something from that

Friday, June 3, 2016

Schindler's List

Last week i was asked about my habitual Friday night movies and what happened to them. Well, I stopped doing them as I tied down elsewhere. But seeing as I enjoyed my Friday night movie, and talking about it, I see no reason to give it up completely. So, here is what will be, hopefully, a return to regularity:

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Schindler's List!

 Original image located here. Accessed 3rd June 2016

Much has been written about this film: The powerful resonance, the acting, the cinematography and the directing. But I won't talk about any of that. No: You see, i remember, back in the nineties, that this movie was a big deal. And I feel coming to it, from a distance of twenty years, has allowed me to approach with a fresh perspective.
And it is still, very much as powerful as ever.