Friday, June 1, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Solo: A Star Wars Story!

Original image located here. Accessed 1st June 2018

I have discovered two things with the entrants in the Star Wars franchise: a) every movie that has followed Empire Strikes Back has divided audiences like no other and b) those which challenge the template set by Lucas and take risks come out stronger (ie Rogue One, Knights of the Old Republic and Clone Wars). So how does this one match up, production dramas and all?

Actually it was pretty good. Sure there are some dodgy lines, sure there are some lousy cinematography and sure there are moments where it shows it's origins as a movie made by a director who was switched partway through. But it's an enjoyable romp and loaded with some actions scenes that somehow come as a relief after the dour Last Jedi and Rogue One. There's some callbacks and some decent character moments and it was a lot of fun.

Not much more I can say except I suddenly want a remake of Star Wars: Droids - only one that has, instead of R2D2 and C3PO, the adventures of L3-37, K-2SO and HK-47

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