Friday, May 25, 2018

Dead Pool 2

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Dead Pool 2!

Original image located here. Accessed 25th May 2018

Well there's isn't a lot i can say about this movie: Same fourth wall breaking, same jabs at super hero movies, same jokes and references.. Really it's the same joke told differently - but somehow it's still a laugh riot.

I think the only thing i can say about this movie is the same reaction I got to the original movie: How on earth did this movie get made?
Allow me to elaborate: I've heard stories of how movies get stuck in development hell. Nearly all of them follow a set pattern: Some genius comes up with a great idea for a movie and bashes out a script; said script then makes it's way to a producer who hires someone else to rewrite it; if the producer DOES read the script, they will impose a whole lot of changes in the form of mandates; more mandates come in the form the director and any actors interested; and with such mandates (not to mention those that contradict one another) the film ends up being dropped completely or makes it out as a toothless husk of the original idea.
That being said, it is difficult to imagine both Dead Pool movies being put through such a process. Did the success of the MCU movies provide a new benchmark for everyone to reach? Or is the era of Hollywood producers who don't know jack *coughJonPeterscough* truly over?
If it is then good riddance to it.

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