Friday, May 18, 2018

Monsters Inc

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Monsters Inc!

Original image located here. Accessed 18th May 2018

Well, i saw the prequel last week so seeing the original is somewhat inevitable.
Well this is a Pixar movie so once you see enough of them, you soon know what to expect: Great jokes, touching moments, interesting characters, top-notch animation and enough creativity involved that one is left wondering when that particular well is going to run dry.

Considering what i said about the prequel last week, it;s interesting to place the two films next to each other. Monsters Inc seems to adhere closer to the Pixar formula but at the same time it seems, strangely enough, generic. Sure it ticks the boxes that we expect from a Pixar movie (as stated above) but at the same time, no one seems to complain.
Conversely, Monsters University eschews the formula by taking an unusual route. Brave yes but ultimately coming across as colder than the usual fare. There's no denying that the formula Pixar uses clearly works but a deviation is asking for trouble. But such is the strength of the formula that Pixar sure are quick to recover from low points and we, the audience, are quick to forgive.
I may have said some harsh things about the prequel last week but, upon seeing the original, my view has somewhat softened. If anything I'll take a noble failure than a weak success any day.

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