Friday, June 15, 2018

Ride the High Country

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Ride the High Country!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th June 2018

Behold: Sam Peckinpah's breakthrough movie. It's the one that set him on a path that led to later triumphs and features some recurring themes.....that would become recurring.
I have to admit that compared to some of Peckinpah's later work (the Wild Bunch and Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid) this seems more sedate. But that by no means makes it a bad movie: one gets the impression that Peckinpah wanted to prove>what he could do before he began stockpiling his shock tactics.

And prove he does: Great cinematography, excellent acting, some truly amazing scenery shots and the most bonkers wedding I've ever seen (or at least one of them).

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