Friday, October 1, 2021

The Shining

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Shining!

Original image located here. Accessed 1st October 2021

Well it's October and, as is tradition, it's my cue to have a month watching horror movies. And for 2021, we're coming out swinging.
This may surprise some people but I have never seen The Shining. Sure I have seen bits and pieces ("Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!") but I have never sat down and watched the whole movie the entire way through. And, as one may gather from this blog, is proof that the honest approach is the best one.

I have previously stated that the best kind of horror movie is the kind that eschews jump scares in favor of mood/atmosphere/a sense of creeping dread. That being said, Kubrick clearly thought same as he does indeed apply the same trick - along with a fear of the unknown (the other greatest tool in the horror filmmaker's possession). But at the same time, he throws in long takes, rapid zooms and a traumatized cast. These may sound like some odd methods but they work wonders (although the last one may be debatable). As such, it is startling how effective one turn around a corner can have freaky effects.
I will certainly say this is more effective on technical level than it functions as a horror movie. Is that what Kubrick was going for? Was he intent on reinventing the horror movie? Maybe he was, giving the number of movies since that take the atmospheric approach.

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