Friday, October 29, 2021


And this week's Friday night movie has been... Razorback!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th October 2021

Yep, we conclude this October's clutch of horror movies with one about a killer pig. Yay.
For those who don't know, this was an Australian horror movie that came out in the mid-eighties. And it comes across as being a product of it's era as I can't help but see it taking more than a few cues from earlier Australian movies. We have stunning shots of scenery (Walkabout); we have a guy contending with the both the Australian outback and hostile locals (Wake in Fright); and we have uses of ramshackle technology (Mad Max). And if that isn't enough, this movie replicates the most crucial aspect of Jaws: the less you see of the monster, the less silly and more frightening it becomes.

First up, there's a lot working against this movie. It has a derivative nature (as indicated above). The pig effects look awful and the acting is all over the shop.
However! Perhaps the most strongest aspect of this movie would have to be the cinematography: It is beautifully shot with some stunning use of color. Compared to other Australian movies of this era, this movie certainly looks different and is all the better for it. And hey, it makes the movies flaws somewhat easier to forgive.
And somehow, the idea of Pumbaa on steroids can not be underestimated...

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