Friday, October 15, 2021

Don't Look Now

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Don't Look Now!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th October 2021

I was looking forward to seeing this as it has a reputation as being a real scary movie. Well, I'm up for a challenge.

Ironically however, this movie didn't really do much for me. What should possess a creeping sense of dread (always a winner in my book) comes across as being dull. The climax should be horrific but somehow it comes out flat.
If anything, this is less a horror movie and more a movie about two parents dealing with grief. Okay that's still not a bad idea for a film but did they have to make it so monumentally DULL? Okay, so there's nothing wrong with a slow burner but there's a difference between that and testing my patience. And if a horror movie is looking boring then something has gone horribly wrong.
Seems next week, i should address something with a lot more bite...

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