Friday, February 28, 2020

The Invisible Man

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Invisible Man!

Original image located here. Accessed 28th February 2020

The gf chose this one
Now this is not the first time I have seen a movie with Kiera - that honor goes to Little Women. Thing is, i chose that one - which means that I went for the 'chick flick' movie while Kiera selected a psychological thriller. Go fig.

Anyho, I noticed that the director of this movie is Leigh Whannell. In recent years, he may have made a name for himself through the Saw franchise but to me, Whannell will forever be the movie critic on Recovery. I mention this because, if this movie is anything to go by, he knows his stuff: he knows how to craft suspense, how to build tension from nothing (ie blank walls) and how to build a connection with the audience that leaves them (ie me) drained by the end of it.
That being said, there certainly a lot going for this movie. It has scares, unbelievable tension and Elizabeth Moss giving it her all. Recommended

Friday, February 21, 2020

Dances With Wolves

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Dances With Wolves!

Original image located here. Accessed 21st February 2020

I have mentioned previously how approaching certain movies can be an intimidating experience on reputation alone. And whilst this movie is one such instance, it does present an interesting case as this movie has a reputation that can only be described as a polarizing one.
On one hand, this was a sizable hit in it's day and subsequently silenced many a nay-sayer. It won Best Picture at the Oscars making it one of three westerns and one of six films done by a first-time director. It challenged a lot of western tropes by showing the Native Americans in a positive and sympathetic light.
But on the other hand, it was an undeserved winner at the Oscars. It robbed victory from Goodfellas. Despite it's intentions it still was a white man's movie. And a proponent of the 'white savior' trope that many a viewer would find insulting.
So for me, in order to appreciate this movie it is therefore necessary to divorce myself from both trains of thought and see it movie purely for what it is.

And you know something? It's actually pretty good. It may drag at times (I'm glad I didn't see the four hour special edition) but it succeeds in it's goal of offering a differing view in the western. Kevin Costner is certainly in control on both sides of the camera. But, much like the Searchers, the real star in this movie is the scenery, with moments of real beauty set in jaw-dropping landscapes.
So yeah. it's a solid movie from the brilliant moments of silence with Dunbar in isolation all the way to the punch-in-the-gut ending

Friday, February 14, 2020

Birds of Prey

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey!

Original image located here. Accessed 14th February 2020

Let me say this up front: I like Margot Robbie. She's a great actress and she's always entertaining whatever she's doing. And she has her own production company, so clearly she's making sure the movies she wants made get made - I admire that.
I never saw Suicide Squad but it is clear that Robbie's turn as Harley Quinn was clearly a highlight so of course she would get her own movie.

And of course it's Harley's show all the way. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing: Good because Robbie is clearly enjoying every minute of this role and bad because the other characters aren't really that interesting. In fact I'm not sure what this movie's intention is: Is it a Harley vehicle or is it an attempt to get an all-female team-up going? And of course the issue of the name change is further confusing matters.

With the other characters, there are some moments of interest but other times they seem dull and more interested in who can out-curse the others. As such, aside from some inventive action sequences, this movie was a chore to get through.
Now I'm not opposed to an all-female action/superhero team but ultimately, I need interesting characters to make it work. Because once you have interesting characters you can sell anything
A fact that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has proven many times over.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Jojo Rabbit

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Jojo Rabbit!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th February 2020

Okay seriously I want to know what pitch was used to green-light this movie. I guess Taika Waititi had built enough credit through the success of Thor Ragnarok that he is allowed to do whatever he wants - truly the ultimate goal of any filmmaker.

I should point out that my preferred brand of comedy is 'pitch black' and there is certainly a lot of it on display here. But scratch that surface and the true intent of the movie is revealed: It has a lot to say about hate and being brainwashed into it.
But at the end of the day, this movie is funny, bizarre, horrific and honest all at the same time. A tricky balancing act to be sure but, in a way, it succeeds.

One point of concern however - or for me at least - is that Waititi may have pinched my idea: In 2018 I worked on manuscript about a guy with an imaginary friend - one who is leading the guy down a wrong path and is ultimately overcome. Now it would seem this movie has prompted a rethink on my part...