Friday, February 14, 2020

Birds of Prey

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey!

Original image located here. Accessed 14th February 2020

Let me say this up front: I like Margot Robbie. She's a great actress and she's always entertaining whatever she's doing. And she has her own production company, so clearly she's making sure the movies she wants made get made - I admire that.
I never saw Suicide Squad but it is clear that Robbie's turn as Harley Quinn was clearly a highlight so of course she would get her own movie.

And of course it's Harley's show all the way. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing: Good because Robbie is clearly enjoying every minute of this role and bad because the other characters aren't really that interesting. In fact I'm not sure what this movie's intention is: Is it a Harley vehicle or is it an attempt to get an all-female team-up going? And of course the issue of the name change is further confusing matters.

With the other characters, there are some moments of interest but other times they seem dull and more interested in who can out-curse the others. As such, aside from some inventive action sequences, this movie was a chore to get through.
Now I'm not opposed to an all-female action/superhero team but ultimately, I need interesting characters to make it work. Because once you have interesting characters you can sell anything
A fact that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has proven many times over.

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