Friday, October 20, 2023

Van Helsing

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Van Helsing!

Original image located here. Accessed 20th October 2023

And with this post we have reached 400 posts on this blog - and what better way to acknowledge such a milestone then to finally have a movie reviewed for every letter in the alphabet (Thanks The Quiet Family and X-Men First Class!).
Once again we have a movie that I have been putting off for a long time. This can attributed to the fact that I recall when this was released, it was mauled by the critics. Still, may be the distance of nearly two decades may give way to a more fresh approach.

It is interesting to see this movie in the wake of the failed 'Universal Monsters' shared universe. Because I can see a lot of said monsters present. Was this an attempt to get a film franchise going? Perhaps - but it does mean I have to assess this movie as it's own entity as opposed to being part of something larger. 
Certainly there is a lot working against this movie: The CGI is practically lifting this movie entirely on it's shoulders, Richard Roxborough is completely ridiculous and the whole thing is kinda silly.
But was this movie dull? Of course not. It may be all style and no substance but there are some great action sequences and keeps an exciting pace throughout. And that is enough.

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