Friday, October 27, 2023

The Exorcist

 And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Exorcist!

Original image located here. Accessed 27th October 2023

And so we reach the end of this year's clutch of horror movies. And what better way to see it out then to go on Hard mode.

So yeah, approaching this movie, it is a given that it bears the label of one of - if not the - scariest movie ever made. That's all well and good but at the same time, it is difficult for this movie to shake off such a tag. So much so, it may be intimidating for a newcomer like myself. What I do know however is that movie has been referenced and parodied so many times that it provides a degree of familiarity as I head into uncharted waters...

First up, I do like how this movie relies on the atmosphere and the sense of creeping dread. And I will favour such movies over those that rely on jump scares.
Having said that though, it seems that this movie's reputation relies heavily on it's final half hour. It is gripping indeed but for me that's when the movie feels like a horror movie. That's not to disregard the build-up beforehand but it's odd that The Exorcist's status only applies to a quarter of it's running time.
I suppose I could put this down to the many references (as mentioned above) but also to the notion that this movie threw down a gauntlet that numerous film-makers have picked up since.

So yeah, not bad but I was left wanting more...

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