Friday, March 19, 2021

Expendables 3

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Expendables 3!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th March 2021

As a film franchise, i have had an odd relationship with the Expendables: I saw the second one first (!) at the cinema and thought it was a lot of fun. Then I saw the first one and found it rather grim.
So what of the third one? Going into it, I found it presented something of a paradox: It appears that the people who liked the first two movies hated the third one whilst the people who hated the first two movies liked the third one.

Personally, i knew what i was getting myself into: This was going to another action movie devoid of depth and consisting of set pieces that are more ludicrous than the one's proceeding. And what do you know: That's exactly what i got. But hey, I like a movie that knows what it's doing and doesn't try to be anything else.
So really this movie follows the formula that made it's predecessors successful: In-jokes, an ensemble cast where everyone gets their moment to shine, the afore-mentioned action sequences, and a sense that everyone involved is a) having the time of their lives and b) more or less playing themselves. Of particular note, is Antonio Banderas, stealing every scene he is in and playing up the whole 'world's friendliest mercenary' shtick.
It may be an action movie of the 'big and dumb' variety but I can't say it was boring.

Mind you, it has been nearly a decade since this movie and promises of followups (Expendables 4 and an all female spin-off Expendabelles) have yet to deliver fruit. Personally I hope we're kept waiting much longer because there certainly is a lot that can be done with this franchise and these characters so I'm for it.

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