Friday, March 26, 2021

K-On the movie

And this week's Friday night movie has been... K-On the movie!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th March 2021

Yes, it's another trip to the anime well - and again, it's one prompted by my now wife-to-be.
Mind you, the last three movies I've watched have been action movies so nothing wrong with having some levity.
I can't say I'm a fan of K-On: I tried watching the first season but it didn't work for me. But on Kiera's recommendation I had a shot at the second season and now this: the movie which effectively closes the series.

As is often the case with movies based on popular TV series, this is one for the fans. If you liked the series, good news! You get to see these characters doing more of the same only it's stretched out to under two hours! But if you didn't like the series, well, you're going to be lost. And confused. And, dare I say, frustrated.
So in the end, those on board the K-On train will love it. Those not on board will find little to change their opinion. And the world will continue turning.
Still, at least the movie included 'Gohan wa Okazu '.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Expendables 3

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Expendables 3!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th March 2021

As a film franchise, i have had an odd relationship with the Expendables: I saw the second one first (!) at the cinema and thought it was a lot of fun. Then I saw the first one and found it rather grim.
So what of the third one? Going into it, I found it presented something of a paradox: It appears that the people who liked the first two movies hated the third one whilst the people who hated the first two movies liked the third one.

Personally, i knew what i was getting myself into: This was going to another action movie devoid of depth and consisting of set pieces that are more ludicrous than the one's proceeding. And what do you know: That's exactly what i got. But hey, I like a movie that knows what it's doing and doesn't try to be anything else.
So really this movie follows the formula that made it's predecessors successful: In-jokes, an ensemble cast where everyone gets their moment to shine, the afore-mentioned action sequences, and a sense that everyone involved is a) having the time of their lives and b) more or less playing themselves. Of particular note, is Antonio Banderas, stealing every scene he is in and playing up the whole 'world's friendliest mercenary' shtick.
It may be an action movie of the 'big and dumb' variety but I can't say it was boring.

Mind you, it has been nearly a decade since this movie and promises of followups (Expendables 4 and an all female spin-off Expendabelles) have yet to deliver fruit. Personally I hope we're kept waiting much longer because there certainly is a lot that can be done with this franchise and these characters so I'm for it.

Friday, March 12, 2021

John Wick

And this week's Friday night movie has been... John Wick!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th March 2021

Some friends of mine have been urging me to have a look at this one: The first movie in an eventual franchise that resurrected Keanu Reeves' career in spectacular fashion. And, depending on who you ask, an example of what could've happened had Ted gone to military school.
Personally I've seen plenty of action movies of this ilk: One guy, who has extensive combat training, seemingly limitless resources and a flash car, taking on a horde of bad guys through a series of increasingly amazing set pieces without breaking a sweat. I will admit I will never tire of them but there comes a time when you need to do something unique to make one's movie stand out.

Well one could see this is revenge porn for the dog lover...
Okay seriously, this was indeed a gripping movie. The action sequences are well done, I like the use of colour and Keanu proves to be a formidable presence in front of the camera - indeed i have heard people say his acting style has been wooden but here he is well and truly on fire (to a point where I never knew he had it in him).
It may not do anything new to a tried and tested formula but it deliver in the action department. So I'll give it that.
Now about the sequels....

Friday, March 5, 2021


And this week's Friday night movie has been... Goldfinger!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th March 2021

This may surprise a lot of you but I have never seen the most famous Bond movie of them all. I mean, i started it during my college years but I never got around the finishing it.
Well, I vowed to watch more Bond movies all the way through this year so now is a good time to address this oversight (with more to come I can assure you).

Much has been said that as this as the most successful 007 movie of all time with many of its successors have been trying to replicate the formula that made it such a hit. But having come from seeing Goldfinger's predecessors (Dr No and From Russia with Love), it seems to me that that the formula was already in place. All Goldfinger had to do was refine it.
But really there's not much i can say about Goldfinger that hasn't been said before. It is exciting, properly defines James Bond and never takes a misstep.
All i can say is that clearly this is the highest regarded of the James Bond movies for a very good reason.