Friday, October 7, 2022

Long Weekend

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Long Weekend (1978)!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th October 2022

It's become something of a tradition with this series that whenever October rolls around, I watch horror movies. It may be cliche but normally I don't watch horror movies so there's something to be said about stepping out of the comfort zone for a month - and stepping out of one's comfort zone is something that horror movies thrive on, amirite?

So we have this: An Australian movie from the late seventies where a couple go on a camping trip and, through a number of irresponsible acts, end up earning the wrath of Mother Nature who mounts a revenge...
This movie is a classic case of the slow burner: The first two thirds is dedicated to get to know the couple. It may soon dull and slow paced but there is a slow sense of creeping dread. And this pays off in magnificent fashion in the final third. I've always praised horror movies that rely on dread and unease over jump scares and this one delivers. Of course, it may be easy to joke that this reaffirms the observation that the Australian flora and fauna is trying to kill you but here it works.
So we start this October's clutch of horror movies with a bang. What would be coming up next...?

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