Friday, October 28, 2022

Carnival of Souls

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Carnival of Souls!

Original image located here. Accessed 28th October 2022

And so this years clutch of October/horror movies comes to a close with this lesser known movie from the early sixties. Personally I knew of this film through it's reputation as a precursor to a lot of horror movies that followed in it's wake.

Watching this movie now, six decades later, it is interesting to see what it does. It is clearly made on a small budget but such limitations work in it's favour: It relies heavily on mood, atmosphere and suggestion. There is a freaky-sounding organ score running throughout and the scares are genuinely frightening. And this works in my book as I will take atmosphere/mounting-dread over jump scares any day.
Still this movie is showing it's age and the slow parts do prove to kill the momentum. But when this movie hits, it hits hard

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