Friday, August 5, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Thor: Love and Thunder!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th August 2022

Another stab at the current phase of the MCU (for those keeping score it's the fourth one). I have been watching the current phase throughout these past couple of months and I will admit that whilst they have been enjoyable there is a distinct lack of direction. Which is concerning in that the MCU has pretty much defined itself by having everything planned out and adhering to a long-term plan.
In addition, assessing a MCU entrant presents quite the challenge as previous efforts have been so spectacular. That does make for a tough benchmark to follow making anything that happens to fall short look like a red-headed stepchild. Or something.

So what of Thor: Love and Thunder? Well it can't be denied that it's following the same template as it's predecessor. Ragnarok may have done a dramatic shift for the character and rejuvenated him in what many people never thought possible so in a way, such a shift would be tricky to follow. So It looks that they decided to stick with what worked before.
And you know what? It worked.
It may be adhering to a formula that worked previously but that's not really detrimental to the movie. There is bombast, there is creativity, there are tonnes of laughs, there is inventiveness, there is a genuinely compelling villain and some very interesting developments for Odinsson and the Asgardians. Also Russell Crowe stealing the show as Zeus.
Is it a misfire? I don't think so.
Guess there is value in sticking with what works

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