Friday, August 12, 2022

22 Jump Street

And this week's Friday night movie has been... 22 Jump Street!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th August 2022

I've been putting this one off for a while. I really enjoyed the first movie so there was a sense of dread when approaching the sequel - that the whole 'lightening in a bottle' impression I got from 21 Jump Street would prove just that.

Well it seems that the makers behind this movie realised that and pretty much latched onto it. Right from the word go, there is a sense that the movie is reveling in it's own nature as a boring, replicating sequel. And this self-awareness is the key strength of the movie. Throw in a lot of great jokes, attacks on the fourth wall, and the some interesting developments between the bond between Jenko and Schmidt and we have that rare thing: a sequel that improves on the original.
Did the distance of six years (since watching the first movie) provide a fresh perspective? It's possible.
Did I go into this not knowing what to expect? True.
But in both cases, it worked out in my favour.

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