Friday, April 1, 2022


And this week's Friday night movie has been... nothing.

Yes I saw nothing this evening. In fact, bugger this. I'm through with waffling about the movies I saw. I'm outta here!

April Fool!

Still with me? Good. Normal business shall resume:

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Shall We Dance?!

Kiera chose this one. Largely because it has dancing in it.
So there's this guy who sees a woman in the window of a dance school and decides there and then that he wants to take up ballroom dancing. He gets good at it but he goes to extraordinary effort to hide it from those around him.
I will admit I was skeptical at first: I wasn't sold on the idea of an old guy getting into dancing because of a younger woman. And why would he go to the effort to hide it? It's nothing to be shamed of now is it?
Still, the strength of this movie lies in the dancing sequences and they are indeed a delight to behold. I don't watch a lot of dancing movies but what is presented here is indeed a some of the best I have seen (granted that's not much of a yardstick but still...).
All in all, not a bad effort

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