Friday, February 26, 2021

The Accidental President

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Accidental President!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th February 2021

Anyone heard of this? It's a documentary that follows Donald Trump and the road he took in order to become the 45th President of the USA. His come from behind victory in 2016 is analyzed and shows how he managed to pull it off.

Thing is, if you're going to make a documentary on the Trump presidency, it is challenge in itself; It has been written about and analyzed so much that it's difficult to come up with something new. While informative, this documentary however doesn't present anything that hasn't been said before. So if you've heard of the things Trump did - appealing to people who are sick of corruption in Washington, eschewing acting like a potential leader in favor of being himself, winning over the masses through being a showman and taking an abrasive approach, thriving, and eventually succeeding, on being a risky prospect - then you've heard it all before.
Still, this documentary does try and present a balanced view by bringing in voices from both sides - in particular the Democratic campaign is analyzed and shown to be complacent through over-confidence.
Ultimately, this documentary may not present anything new but it's decent in what it says - and just shows what a paradoxical beast U.S. politics is. Mind you, considering how this presents Trump's methods, it makes me wonder how much Biden was onto him....

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