Friday, January 29, 2021

Rain Man

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Rain Man!

Original image located here. Accessed 29th January 2021

It is nothing new to slam previous winners of the Oscar for Best Picture - usually accompanied by the words 'doesn't hold up against the passing of time' and 'undeserved winner'. Is this movie one such film? Maybe but personally, I think one could make a case for this movie starting the trend of 'mentally-handicapped-person-helps-shallow-person-find-meaning-in-life = Oscar success'.

Still i did enjoy this movie. Having said that though, a lot of it rests on the shoulders of its two leads. I've never thought much of Tom Cruise but here he brings his A-Game. And Dustin Hoffman impresses with his committed portrayal of an autistic savant.
There is a part of me that should hate this movie because a) it started the above mentioned trend and b) creating a lot of stereotypes about autistic people. And yet somehow I do not.
In a way i was dreading this to be a slog to get through but to my surprise that was not the case. So yes, I'm glad I saw this one.
And hey, looks like we have a well-deserved winner of the Best Picture Oscar.

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