Friday, October 30, 2020

Eyes of my Mother

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Eyes of My Mother!

Original image located here. Accessed 30th October 2020

Behold: the final entrant in this year's clutch of October horror movies.
Now in my view, there are two kinds of horror movies: There's those with the jump scares and there are those that rely on mood and a creeping dread.
Guess which type i find myself gravitating towards.

And in the terms of creating mood, this movie has it in spades. The black and white imagery is effective and use of atmosphere, quiet, and a slow build up prove to be the most potent things going for this movie.
Granted there are moments that don't work (ie, the abrupt plot developments, the use of torture, a middle section which seems to lag and the vibe of this movie being the bastard lovechild between a horror movie and an art-house movie) but as a depiction of trauma, loneliness, being cut off form the real world and being warped a young age, when this movie hits, it knocks it out of the park.

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