Friday, December 28, 2018

The Lego Batman Movie

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....The Lego Batman Movie!

Original image located here. Accessed 28th December 2018

I once declared that Mask of Phantasm was the greatest Batman ever made. Now however I may have reason to reconsider.

There's a lot to unpack here so let;s just fall onto bullet points:
- It's been a while since I last saw a movie that left me laughing out loud and laughing a lot.
- Anyone else find that Batman's a lot more fun when he's a jerk?
- Self referential gags aplenty here. Not that I'm complaining.
- I actually like this 'machine gun' style of jokes. True it may get exhausting to keep up but it's never dull.
- I know some Batman fans like to elevate their idol to a superhuman status. This Batman seems like the accumulation of such adulation but it doesn't seem like a good thing. Which makes this Batman even funnier.
- Funny thing: The LA DC movies are super serious but this animated effort is a lot more fun. And thus a better movie.

Friday, December 21, 2018


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Bumblebee!

Original image located here. Accessed 21st December 2018

I've never really cared much for Bayformers but I have to admit that this was...... an improvement.

Yes, I'm finding it hard to believe myself. So lets cut to the chase and use dot points:
- This was unexpected: It had humour, heart and some touching moments. Unusual for this particular franchise and even more unusual in that they actually work
- Having a rockin' eighties soundtrack didn't hurt either
- Funny thing: When I originally saw the first Bayformers movie i was frustrated that there seemed to be more focus on the human characters than the Transformers themselves. Here, i have the opposite problem XD
- No way around it: Hailee Steinfeld carries a lot of this movie - so much so i want to see what happens next with this character
- Watching the end credits I noticed this movie was written by a woman, Christina Hodson. If this was a gamble then it clearly paid off
- Ultimately this seems a better movie than it ought to be. And after five attempts, they finally got it right. So what now?

Friday, December 14, 2018

Mortal Engines

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Mortal Engines!

Original image located here. Accessed 14th December 2018

I knew little about this movie going in. But it was only after I saw this movie that i became aware it's actually based on a series of children's fantasy books - I think the mention of Scholastic Publishing in the opening credits may have been a giveaway.

I have to admit that there is a lot of creativity at work here, there's some decent art direction and the opening scene is incredible. But in the end, the movie is a rather empty experience. Get past the flashy effects and, like a lot of other movies, there's not a lot else. The protagonists are dull, the commentary is on the nose and everything's running at a pace so rapid you'd think it was frightened that the audience will fall asleep.
Special mention however must go to Shrike. He is flat out the best character. He is the most interesting character having a level of tragedy and complexity that would've done Shakespeare proud. Why isn't the movie about him?

Friday, December 7, 2018

Isao Takahata and His Tale of the Princess Kaguya

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Isao Takahata and His Tale of the Princess Kaguya!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th December 2018

Well I saw The Tale of the Princess Kaguya last week (as well as The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness earlier this year) so seeing this was inevitable.
As mentioned last week, I'd always felt that Takahata tends to get overlooked by Ghibli fans so seeing this documentary, focusing on the man himself is welcome indeed. Much like the aforementioned The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, we see the trials and tribulations going into making a movie at Ghibli and the approach the director takes - but in this case the approach is completely different from Miyazaki.

Thus we see Takahata pushing the envelope as to what animation could accomplish (largely to compensate for his inability to draw), a real trial and error approach to completing a task and facing down a monumental workload. And despite the frustrations caused, Takahata remains funny, passionate and a contrast from the Grumpy Old Man that Miyazaki has become known for in recent years.
I think some of the best moments in the movie come from seeing both Takahata and Miyazaki together and watching these two personalities bounce off each other. It looks natural and a delight to see two long-lasting friends and creative talents together and the bond they clearly have.
A bond that has sadly since been broken