Friday, August 3, 2018

High Noon

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....High Noon!

Original image located here. Accessed 3rd August 2018

"Do not for-sake me oh my Dar-lyn...."

Okay seriously this must be one of the most famous films ever made, let alone one of the most famous westerns. So there is a degree of intimidation that comes approaching it. Personally, i was impressed with this movie on three fronts: a) the whole thing is done in real time which is still remarkable over sixty years later, b) it has a degree of suspense that I haven't seen in any western prior and c) the final shootout still holds up, even with the passage of time and the whole 'one-man-army' trope that has been done a thousand times since.
Throw in some solid directing, Gary Cooper's performance (which snared him a well-deserved Oscar) and this is still an excellent movie.

Funny thing though: This movie is often regarded as a product of it's time: It was made during the era known as McCarthyism hence there are some themes tied to it within the movie itself. Personally I didn't really see it, so I think it;s safe to say that this is one of those rare movies that transcend the era they were made (treasure them folks for they are rare indeed). If anything, the idea of one person who is committed to doing the right thing even when everyone else is walking out on them is remarkably universal theme.
Even with the distance of sixty six years

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