Friday, July 7, 2023

Rurouni Kenshin: The Final

 And this week's Friday night movie has been... Rurouni Kenshin: The Final!

 Original image located here. Accessed 7th July 2023

I first became aware of Rurouni Kenshin in 2000 - the same year I discovered Queens of the Stone Age. As such it didn't take much to combine the two: "K-K-K-K-K-Kenshin!!!"

*crickets chirping*

Moving swiftly along, given that I saw the Beginning last week, it is therefore a natural progression that I would watch The Final. And this movie is of particular interest as it's an attempt to cover the Revenge arc - which was never covered by the original anime (well there was the Reflections OAV but we don't talk about that one...). Of course, I did know what the Revenge arc covered beforehand so it is interesting to see how this would stack up.

Its interesting to watch this having watched the other movie the previous week before (even if it was released second). Because they're both like night and day. Beginning is grim, with desaturated colours, realistic fight sequences and a tragic air. Final is colourful, Wire-fu all over the place and a theme of redemption. And again, the LA cast have the mannerisms of their animated counterparts down pat with freakish accuracy. 

Obviously this is working with the strengths established with the previous movies which is well and good. But what as an adaptation?

Well it follows the same story beats but this is where the filmmakers have to deliver something news that wasn't already covered in previous adaptations. So this adaptation is a loose one but it still feels lacking. Most of the side characters get the shaft and some moments don't have the punch that they should have. Guess the Revenge arc will never have a proper adap.. wait, there's a new Kenshin anime? Coming out this year?

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