Friday, July 15, 2022

Little Miss Sunshine

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Little Miss Sunshine!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th July 2022

I was planning to watch the latest Dr Strange movie but then I noticed this and realised I've been putting this off for far too long.

At first I had no idea what to make of this movie. At times I was left wondering if this was the comedy i was promised as it seemed to come across as more strange than bust-a-gut funny. The laughs seemed slow and what humour was there seemed very off the wall. But within time, this movie won me over: largely through this eccentric cast of characters and watching them facing adversity together. I cna only how many other people have watched this family and remarked: "That's just like mine..."
And there is something to be said that, in world that is divided into winners and losers, being yourself can be an act of defiance.

Also that unforgettable dance to Super Freak:
"What's your daughter doing?!"
"Kicking ass!!"

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