Friday, December 10, 2021


And this week's Friday night movie has been... Skyfall!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th December 2021

Well I did it: I said I will watch a James Bond movie for every month in 2021 and now I have done it (Well there was the exception of October but that was fully booked). It has been quite the journey: I was in two minds whether the new one, No Time to Die, would be included and I was unable to see License to Kill (consider that the October entrant). But I did what I set out to do so yay me.

And I certainly picked a grand >one to go out on. Yes, having seen a lot of James Bond movies this year, I can safely say that this is Bond at his best: Daniel Craig is giving his all in the role, The villain is interesting, the action sequences are top notch, the tension is strung out, and there are some wonderfully shot moments (the climax at the mansion being one such stand out).
And, for a series that is notorious for formula, this movie certainly proves there is life in the old dog yet.
So in the end, did Craig grow on me? I do believe he has.

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