Friday, December 31, 2021

The Man From Hong Kong

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Man From Hong Kong!

Original image located here. Accessed 31st December 2021

Watching a 1970s Australian attempt at making a Kung-Fu movie? Well I have spent worse New Years Eves.

Obviously this is a product of it's time: The music, the clothes, haircuts, and film-making techniques all scream mid-1970s. Why, even that opening scene has no chance of being replicated now.
And it may be easy to mock the movie for it's corniness.
But in the end I still find a lot to admire: It is a decent stab at tackling a particular genre, the nods to the James Bond franchise are admirable (most notably having George Lazenby as the villain) and the fight scenes are really good - special mention to the car chase, the fight in the restaurant and the martial arts school.
All in all, an entertaining way to see out 2021.

Anywho, this concludes the Friday Night Movie for 2021. Thank you for reading these and to anyone that provided any likes and comments made throughout the year. Next year brings some more movies to watch and I'm looking forward to it already....

Friday, December 24, 2021

It's a Wonderful Life

And this week's Friday night movie has been... It's a Wonderful Life!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th December 2021

Okay so I'm cheating as I have already seen this movie.
And it may be easy to bag this movie as being flogged to death at Christmas time, being replicated many times since (what if...?) and being required viewing for people struggling with self-worth.

But you know what? Both such observations and the passage of time has done little to diminish the power of this movie. Indeed, if this film has been revisited many times over the years, over many a Christmas, it is for a very good reason.
And yes, i will admit it did indeed leave a personal resonance
I mean how can you not with that final scene?!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Legally Blonde

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Legally Blonde!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th December 2021

Kiera chose this one XD
I do remember this movie from it's initial release in the early 2000s. But what is fascinating about this movie, to the outsider like myself, is the shelf life it has garnered since: A lot of people still think highly of it - indeed moreso than other rom-coms of it's era - and it has a successful musical to it's name. So there must a good a reason behind this endurance, right?

Well, I will admit there were some laugh-out-loud moments (thereby passing the first and foremost requirement of any comedy). And it certainly has a greater sense of identity that makes it stand out from the other rom-coms - which is another plus.
But in all honesty, what makes this movie for me is Reese Witherspoon herself, who has charismatic presence and is clearly having the time of her life. Is it enough to sell the movie however?
Well, if Legally Blonde's enduring appeal is set to continue then the answer would indeed be yes

Friday, December 10, 2021


And this week's Friday night movie has been... Skyfall!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th December 2021

Well I did it: I said I will watch a James Bond movie for every month in 2021 and now I have done it (Well there was the exception of October but that was fully booked). It has been quite the journey: I was in two minds whether the new one, No Time to Die, would be included and I was unable to see License to Kill (consider that the October entrant). But I did what I set out to do so yay me.

And I certainly picked a grand >one to go out on. Yes, having seen a lot of James Bond movies this year, I can safely say that this is Bond at his best: Daniel Craig is giving his all in the role, The villain is interesting, the action sequences are top notch, the tension is strung out, and there are some wonderfully shot moments (the climax at the mansion being one such stand out).
And, for a series that is notorious for formula, this movie certainly proves there is life in the old dog yet.
So in the end, did Craig grow on me? I do believe he has.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Pom Poko

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Pom Poko!

Original image located here. Accessed 3rd December 2021

Yes we're taking another trip into the anime well. And we're casting a look at the distinguished body of work that came from the one and only Studio Ghibli - with one of their more overlooked movies. - but then again this is Ghibli we're talking about and anything that is directed by someone who isn't Hayao Miyazaki is automatically dubbed overlooked.
Still, I have been putting off this movie for quite some time: One of a handful of movies courtesy of Ghibli's other genius/co-founder Isao Takahata. No time like the present I guess...

I have to admit that Pom Poko is indeed a unique entrant in Takahata's body of work. I know he can do realistic stories with attention to detail (ie Grave of the Fireflies and Only Yesterday) and I know he can do experimental works that take animation into new places and gobble up Ghibli's profits (ie My Neighbors the Yamadas and Tale of Princess Kaguya). So where does this leave Pom Poko?
If anything, it seems to take some of Miyazaki's familiar themes - pastoral landscapes, inventive designs and ecological theme - and place them in a different context. Nothing wrong with that - I mean why not have someone different talk about the same thing? - but there are times when it feels less like a Takahata film and more like one where he was peering over Miyazaki's shoulder and taking notes.
Still, this is a Ghibli movie and has all we come to expect: Humour, imagination, weirdness, high quality animation and some truly heartfelt moments. In fact, I do wonder why this is one of Ghibli's overlooked films as the themes of rebellion and ecological concerns would indeed find an audience in this current political climate...