Friday, May 7, 2021

You Only Live Twice

And this week's Friday night movie has been... You Only Live Twice!

Original image located here. Accessed 7th May 2021

The plan to watch more James Bond movies continues.
I hadn't planned on seeing this. That was until i realised that this movie was written by one of my literacy heroes: Mr Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl writing James Bond? That seems like a combination that's too good to be true!

As it happens, this movie is not well liked by some Bond fans. Not sure why because there is a lot going for this movie. The location footage in Japan is great. The Little Nellie is fantastic. The set design is extraordinary (particularly the lair at the film's climax). The Final fight scene is one of the finest action sequences ever conceived. We have a face reveal of Blofeld and Tiger Tanaka is a great character. So what's the problem?
Okay sure the formula is clearly setting in, sure Connery may be phoning his performance in and Bond's Japanese disguise makes him look like a Romulan but are those enough to be a deal-breaker? I don't think so.
And in the terms of this series, You Only Live Twice does indeed serve as a good way to farewell the Connery era. Which means starting next month, we start taking a look at his successors.

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