Friday, June 26, 2020


And this week's Friday night movie has been... Stagecoach!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th June 2020

I'm going after one of the big ones here today folks. I won't say no to a western and this is one of the big ones: The 1939 classic that was John Wayne's breakthrough role and the movie that elevated the western into a genre to be taken seriously.

Clearly the strength of this movie relies on three things: First up, is the characters. They are all well-realized, well-written and a stunning example of how to make the most of a small cast within a limited/restricted location.
Secondly, is the stunning scenery, that would become a trademark of John Ford's later movies (The Searchers anyone?). It looks as wide and empty as one would expect the frontier to look.
And thirdly is the stunning climax where the coach is under attack. It is tense, well shot and exciting. Indeed, one gets the impression this scene was one that has been studied by many a filmmakers ever since and has been alluded to in many an action movie.

It may be easy to dismiss this movie given it's age but, given the path it beat down, this is one movie that, quite rightly, demands respect. Furthermore. it is interesting to pick up elements that would be replicated countless times thereafter.
I always find it a gamble to talk about a movie from the 'classic' era (ie pre-1970/New Hollywood/Star Wars) but in this case, the gamble has paid off

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Hunter

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Hunter!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th June 2020

I remember this movie being a big deal at the time (2011). This was due to it being shot entirely in Tasmania and featuring a major star in the form of Willem Defoe. So it is perhaps my patriotic duty to take a look at this.

It may be slow and, at times, aimless but there is still a lot going for this movie. Firstly, is the star where Defoe, giving a superb performance with the weight of the movie resting entirely on his shoulders. Secondly, is the Tasmanian wilderness, the true MVP, being recognizable, threatening, and being the greatest tourism ad for the Apple isle ever made, all at once. And thirdly is the musings on the human relationship with endangered species, in all it's forms, which all come to a head in the final, gut-punching, fifteen minutes.
It may be forgotten now but it's a great movie and worth a look.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Crazy Rich Asians

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Crazy Rich Asians!

Original image located here. Accessed 12 June 2020

I know more than few people who have been talking up this one. But I was cautious as it's intent is clearly spelled out in the title. Therefore I was concerned that this wouldn't be for me as I am a) white and b) not having money to burn

Thankfully that wasn't the case. For a movie that was telling a story through an Asian perspective, it is indeed universal and quite a lot of fun. It could be observed that the formula for the rom-com, which is movie is running on, is indeed rock-solid but, at the same time, challenged in numerous ways to present a healthy perspective on romance. But the real meat in this movie is the cast themselves, least not Michelle Yeoh, delivering stellar performances and giving them a chance to shine on their own terms.
At first glance, there may appear to be a lot stacked up against this movie but it comes out with it's head held high.

Friday, June 5, 2020

A Silent Voice

And this week's Friday night movie has been... A Silent Voice!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th June 2020

Far be it from me to try and block out what is happening in the world right now, so let's make it quick:
This is an anime movie that addresses themes such as regret, friendship, redemption and self-worth. Such themes are universal (and familiar in my case) and thus comes with the stamp of recommended.