Friday, December 20, 2019

A Christmas Story

And this week's Friday night movie has been.... A Christmas Story!

Original image located here. Accessed 20th December 2019

Apparently this is a beloved Christmas movie. And yet somehow, it;s one that has gone unseen by me. Maybe I was too busy watching Die Hard Joyeux Noel to notice? No matter, looks like 2019 is the year that situation is rectified.

At first I had no idea what to make of this movie. But, within time, it showed it's hand: It was really making a mockery of tropes associated with Christmas: A scary Santa, a kid who gets his dream present of a rifle, Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant among others.
Yet at the same time, this movie still has another trick up it;s sleeve: it is indeed a look at childhood and does so successfully. It indeed definitely resonates with sincerity, even for a grumpy curmudgeon like myself. And despite this movie taking a swing at Christmas tropes, it is still capable for some genuine heart (the final scene with Mr and Mrs Parker comes to mind).
It would appear that this is a beloved Christmas movie for a good reason.

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