Friday, May 24, 2019

Won't You Be My Neighbor

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Won't You Be My Neighbor!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th May 2019

As someone of the non-US persuasion, Fred Rogers has been something of an enigma. I never saw his show, I never grasped his life lessons and he was never consistently there dispensing wisdom and guidance when needed. Yet it would seem more than a few people in the US grew up watching Fred and still hold him in high regard, So maybe this recent documentary may introduce me to someone new?

Of course it can.
Much like the man himself, this documentary is honest in it's approach, showing it's audience (in particular to outsiders like myself) who Fred was and his beliefs. We see his commitment to Children's television, his implacable sincerity, his challenge before Congress when they threatened to cut funding, and just how willing Fred was to push the boundaries of what could be said on a Children's television program.
But i think the greatest impression this documentary imparts is Fred's tireless message in being yourself and finding self-worth. And in an age where everyone is falling over themselves to say what you can't do and what you can't do, such a message still resonates more than ever. In fact it's not just a message for children - some adults may benefit from such reassurance as well.

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