Friday, January 25, 2019

How to Train Your Dragon

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....How to Train Your Dragon!

Original image located here. Accessed 25th January 2019

As some of you regular readers would know, with this series there is only one concrete rule: I must see a movie I haven't seen before. So what do you know, here's one that originally passed me by. But I have friends who think very highly of this and with a second sequel being released, I guess now is as good time as any to take a look....

......Oh who am I kidding? This was absolutely brilliant. It's Dreamworks striking gold and the rare picture that appeals to both children and adults without talking down to both parties. The flying sequences are a wonder to behold, the expressiveness of Toothless is a delight and truly a solid adventure flick. Throw in a subtext about a protagonist going against the grain of the norms and how working together is better than drawing battle lines and this is.... well..... a film where I can;t use enough positive words for without sounding like a broken record XD

Now about the sequels.....

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