Friday, December 18, 2020

Lady From Shanghai

And this week's Friday night movie has been... The Lady From Shanghai!

Original image located 
here. Accessed 18th December 2020

Once again I am watching a movie from the pre-New-Hollywood era: in this case, from 1947. Nothing wrong with that - but in this case, I have been wanting to see this because there's a story attached.

You see apparently, this movie originally ran for three hours but the director, Orson Welles, was forced to cut it down to half that running time. The missing portion has since been lost to time and the movie has suffered for it.

With this in mind, watching The Lady From Shanghai is an odd experience. The narration is strongly placed, the flow is jarring and there are moments that may have required additional scenes. Welles have been attempting to do something different with film noir - admirable seeing as he was working with the limitations of what he had - but he doesn't quite pull it off successfully. Still it has it's moments: Not least of which is the final showdown in a hall of mirrors (oft-imitated but never bettered).

Friday, December 11, 2020

Temple Grandin

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Temple Grandin!

Original image located here. Accessed 11th December 2020

As mentioned in previous posts, I will show favoritism to movies that are based around protagonists that are on the autistic spectrum. And this movie is one from that particular ell. It's a biopic based around livestock scientist Temple Grandin.

I will admit: I had no idea who Temple Grandin was until i saw this movie. And if a Biopic makes me interested in knowing more about the person in question then it has done it's job with flying colors.
Over the course of the movie, we see key moments in Grandin's life: Her diagnosis, her ingenuity, her coping methods and her revolutionary ideas on the treatment of livestock. And such a remarkable life is handled by Claire Danes giving the performance of her career.
It may be a TV movie but it sure stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Lady and the Tramp

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Lady and the Tramp (1955)!

Original image located here. Accessed 4th December 2020

Well i am a dog person so perhaps it is inevitable that I end up seeing this.
You know, this movie is sixty-five years old and yet it still comes across as being quite striking. One of the beauties of animation is that it can do things that Live action can never do and that certainly is the case here. It is impressive that we have animated dogs acting very much like real dogs and the sheer expressiveness of these characters are stunning to behold.
It may be short and it may be overlooked by Disney fans but honestly? I think this is one of their strongest works.