Friday, November 27, 2020

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 2)

And this week's Friday night movie has been...Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 2)!

Original image located here. Accessed 27th November 2020

And so here we are: the endpoint of a journey that took ten years to complete (although for me it took eighteen). We have seen these characters, not to mention the actors and actresses playing them, grow and age over that time. On the whole, it is impressive that this film series manage to pull off a continuous story being told over a decade - Okay sure the story in question was already established in written text but it is difficult to imagine current movie franchises as they are had they not followed the path the Harry Potter movies made out. Indeed, it's not much of a stretch (at least in my mind), to picture the MCU looking over Harry Potter's shoulder and taking notes.

As for the movie itself, i was expecting a conclusion that would leave a crater of sizable portions and that's exactly what i got. Clearly the first Deathly Hallows movie existed just to get some of the character moments out of the way so we can see the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort. And what a confrontation it is: The siege is spectacular, the sight of Hogwarts following said sage is indeed a shock, the long-awaited final confrontation is something to behold and it's nice to see various faces form the preceding movies make a reappearance.
However for all the spectacle, my favorite moments in the movie are, ironically, the quiet ones (example: "You've been so brave sweetheart"). I have spoken previously how it worked for the last movie but here it strikes gold, being able to warm the cockles of my cold, jaded heart.

And so, we reach the end of this particular movie serial. I may have been skeptical when i started but these movies did win me over. Granted the movies may be a mere glimpse when compared to the richness of the source material (or so i have been told) but now, the fandom sure makes a whole lotta sense.
So here's to you, Harry.

Oh and House Ravenclaw forever.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1)

And this week's Friday night movie has been...Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1)!

Original image located here. Accessed 20th November 2020

Last week i observed that there is nothing wrong with serials taking the occasional step back and addressing a more smaller-scale/personal story. The only difference between this and the Half Blood Prince however is this pulls it off more successfully.

In all honesty, this movie surprised me: I was expecting something apocalyptic, considering the build-up with Voldemort, but what I got was the opposite: I got to see Harry on the run and having to confront the possibility that he, along with Hermione and Ron, is out on his own and just what a terrifying prospect it can be. I can imagine seeing these kids tramping through the wilderness may seem dull but that's kind of the point: It's an effective use of conveying isolation.
And such a mood reaches it's height with the graveyard scene - for me this is, so far, the apex of this series. It is well done and proves that being quiet can be damn effective.
Also who would have guessed that the music of Nick Cave would work in a Harry Potter movie?
Still, this movie is still intent on building up to a major conclusion. And I can imagine it's going to be something spectacular - after all, how could it not?

Friday, November 13, 2020

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!

Original image located here. Accessed 13th November 2020

It is interesting to revisit this movies over a decade later. Because I can do it on my own terms and be as far removed from the hostility this series initially attracted as I wish. Of course, a disgusted fanbase grumbling about an adaptation is nothing new but as the years went on, this hatred eventually died down. So I have to ask: Do the Harry Potter fans still hate the movies? I suppose
a) the fact that the movies all came over the course of a decade wore the haters down
b) the Potter fans grew older and wiser
c) the realization from the fanbase that the movies were drawing in new interest
d) the knowledge that we should be grateful that these movies gave us Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe
e) the haters moved on. To Game of Thrones (probably).
Can anyone confirm this?

As for the movie itself, I will admit that this is perhaps the weakest entrant in the series so far. Sure it all looks nice and we get some interesting character moments but far too often Half Blood Prince comes across as meandering and slow paced - which seems to go against the grain of what came previously. I don't object to serials taking the occasional step back and address a more smaller-scale/personal story but not if they make two and a half hours a slog to get through.
HOWEVER! I am willing to forgive this tedium purely for the final half hour. Oh my goodness, is that a rollercoaster of a ride. Atmospheric, frightening, exciting and heart-wrenching, it is proof that when these movies score a hit, they can knock it out of the park.
Ultimately though, I can't shake the feeling that the slower pace of this entrant is a buffer for what's happening next which, as is my understanding, is going to get nasty.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

And this week's Friday night movie has been... Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

Original image located here. Accessed 6th November 2020

Seems Chronicles of Narnia isn't the only fantasy serial I have neglected...
Funny thing with the Harry Potter movies: I started them but I never got around to completing the series entirely. So for this November, i will rectify this situation. Granted I've picked a bad time to do this but hey, I'm not one to leave a job unfinished.
Now previously I couldn't remember if I have seen Order of the Phoenix before but I watched it anyway: Largely to refresh my memory.

However it is difficult to assess this movie on it's own as a) it's part of a serial and b) it's the first of four movies headed by the same director, David Yates. Still, this was a lot of fun. And it has the same wonder, adventure, scares and humor that won me over when i saw the first movie back in 2002 (!).
Also it is handy to be reminded why people hate Dolores Umbridge so much.