Friday, April 26, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....All Quiet on the Western Front!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th April 2019

Well yesterday was Anzac Day so of course I will watch a war movie. And you can't do better than the granddaddy of them all.

It's always a risk going back to a movie pre-New Hollywood - and perhaps an even greater one going back to a movie that sits on the cusp of the transitional period out of the silent era. This is because they tend be ruined by the ravager that is time.
Mind you, this movie was, in it's prime, banned in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Australia - but you wouldn't think that now.

But that is not the case here. The anti-war message hits like a hammer, the performances are top-notch, the spectacle is astonishing (more so for a movie made in 1930) and the humanism is prominent. Special mention must go to the war scenes which are both realistic and horrific in equal amounts (perhaps the ultimate goal for any war movie) and that unforgettable conclusion. Indeed, it says a lot when an eighty-nine year old move still commands such power.

Friday, April 19, 2019


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Shazam!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th April 2019

Its no coincidence that I saw Big last week. After all, both movies are based around the same theme so seeing how each approach differs would be something to see right?
To be honest I wasn't looking forward to this movie as i though the trailer didn't look anything special - but somehow I've heard some good things about Shazam so i decided i would give it a shot. And sometimes, there is something to be said about being proven wrong.

So yeah this movie was a lot of fun. It was funny and definitely shows signs of a low budget being made the most out of. Indeed one gets the feeling that seeing as Shazam is a lesser tier DC hero, the makers of this movie just decided that, (much like Aquaman) they could whatever they wanted - and in this case this is some sly attempt to remake Big (note the homage) under the guise of a super hero movie.
Of particular note however are instances of particular poignancy that are indeed surprising and are pulled off well.

All in all, a great movie and a sign that DC are heading down the correct path after numerous misfires - Clearly the dour approach wasn't working out for them.
Yet it is a disappointment that this movie does a better job of being a Superman movie than any of the recent Superman movies

Friday, April 12, 2019


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Big!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th April 2019

I've always liked Tom Hanks as an actor and here he doesn't disappoint. Sure he might have won Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump but this is perhaps the best role I've seen him in. He really sells being a kid in an adult's body. Sure the rest of the movie is funny but Tom's performance is the pretty much the engine that is driving this movie.

On a personal note however, this movie did strike a chord with me, upon seeing this character. You see, I have spent the past eighteen years being an adult - or at least trying to be one. Seeing an adult acting solely on a childlike innocence does indeed remind me of me at times and the people I have met. The type of people who resemble adults but don't shy away from acting like kids (lets be honest here: Who wouldn't want to play Heart and Soul on a giant keyboard?).
In recent years I have gotten my act together and become more of an adult - even when other people may balk at such a prospect (hence the phrase "I can't adult today!"). Even if i may indulge in some youthful enthusiasms, at least I take comfort in the knowledge that I am no more winging adulthood than everyone else

Friday, April 5, 2019

Stan and Ollie

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Stan and Ollie!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th April 2019

Once again, I see John C Reilly in a biopic. The difference here however is whilst Walk Hard was a parody, this however is done serious.
I can't say I know a lot about about Laurel (Stan) and Hardy (Ollie) beyond their status as legendary comedians and Hardy's catchphrase ("This is another fine mess..."). But i was curious about this movie because I heard some good things about it.

And you know what? I'm glad I did.
As mentioned above, i know next to nothing of Laurel and Hardy's comedy routines but I was impressed to see this routines replicated. Even more impressive is that i found routines nearly a hundred years old really funny.

But ultimately, the weight of this movie lies on the shoulders of Steve Coogan and John C Reilly as they recreate Laurel and Hardy with freakish accuracy, you'd swear you were watching the real thing.
However the humour and and recreation does not hide that this is a bittersweet movie about a partnership that's at the end of the line. That sense of finality does hang throughout this movie and certainly gives it an emotional punch.

So yeah, great movie and one of the best I've seen so far this year (meaning Endgame has it's work cut out for it)