Friday, February 23, 2018

Black Panther

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Black Panther!

Original image located here. Accessed 23rd February 2018

What can i say? This was a blast. Great acting, set pieces, humor, photography and design on all accounts. And we actually have a Marvel villain that's actually interesting (and isn't Loki!)! But what i get the most out of this that if a (nearly) all black cast and crew can produce a film this excellent then they should do it more often

I have been aware that this movie has inspired some complaints in some circles - proving, if anything, a stunning example of the Us-vs-Them / I'm-disgusted-by-people-I-don't-like-being-happy that drives modern conflicts / online debates. But I find it fitting that the titular character of this movie utters the line: "The wise build bridges but the foolish build barriers"

Friday, February 16, 2018

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid!

Original image located here. Accessed 16th February 2018

Call it a holdover from my University days but I'm always up for a decent western. And this was one I have been eager to see largely because it was one from director Sam Peckinpah: A volatile drunk with a hair-trigger temper that went one to make some of the greatest westerns ever made - one of which being The Wild Bunch (a personal favorite).

Needless to say, this movie was something unexpected. Sure there is the trademark Peckinpah violence but this is something more slower paced than what I'm used to. If anything, this is the most unique western I've seen: The plot is a string of set-pieces and the mood is very grim and drab, as if this was intended to be a eulogy to an entire genre of film-making.
Much has alreayd been said of the performances of the two leads (James Coburn and Kris Kristofferson) and the presence of a whole laundry list of veteran western actors/actresses. It's a credit to Peckinpah that he attracted such names and got superb performances out of them (including one Bob Dylan) but the ultimately, the thought that this is the endpoint of the western is an inescapable one. Everyone seems to remarkably accepting towards their end (which frequently happens) and are really living anachronisms in a time long gone (a familiar theme in Peckinpah's work).
All in all, a very different western and honestly? For a film signalling the end of a genre it adds much to it.

Friday, February 9, 2018

I Tonya

And this week's Friday night movie has been.....I Tonya!

Original image located here. Accessed 9th February 2018

This is interesting to me as I do remember the media sensation that followed the clubbing of Nancy Kerrigan's knee and Tonya Harding's involvement. Get past the differing stories from the parties involved and we have for a truly bizarre story, right?

We certainly do: This movie presents dynamite performances from both Margot Robbie and Allison Janney, a truly insane story presented in an interesting way, a fascinating commentary on class divide, a swing at the people who ridiculed this strange saga and enough attacks on the fourth wall to make Deadpool jealous. Sounds like a recipe for a winner of a movie
But what i find particularly fascinating is that this movie came out the same year as The Disaster Artist. Both are kind of similar in that both tell an anti-Hollywood style of success story: Whereas Tommy Wiseau chased a dream and succeeded (somewhat), Tonya Harding chased a dream and ultimately failed - indeed, that courtroom scene does indeed stick out in my mind.
Not much else i can say except this movie is great. Go and see it if you can stomach a lot of cussing XD

Friday, February 2, 2018


And this week's Friday night movie has been.....Colossal!

Original image located here. Accessed 2nd February 2018

Seems that this movie is one that slipped through the cracks. No matter: I liked it. It was a new take on the Monster genre that was both clever and entertaining. Anne Hathaway is always a delight (since when is she ever not?) and props must go to the final showdown which features one of the most BAD-ASS marches ever committed to film. Sure there were some points where the movie did meander a bit but for those moments when this movie hits, it hits hard.
Certainly a lot going for this movie in what it wants to say about addiction and how to rise above it - in spectacular fashion it would seem.
Go check this one out!