Friday, December 12, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Wreck it Ralph!

Original image located here. Accessed 13th March 2014

So what can I say about this one? Being a gamer I could go on and on about all the jokes and references but anyone can do that. So I'll say something different: The moment that sticks out for me is: "There's no one I'd rather be...than me!!!"

That and Calhoun's 'tragic back story' XD

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny!

Original image located here. Accessed 14th November 2014

So what did I think of it? I thought was completely stupid, juvenile and somehow very funny. Plus it has Dave Grohl. Yeah lets go with that

Friday, November 7, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Redline!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th November 2014

You know I always wondered what the guy who did the World Record segment of the Animatrix has been up to - apparently he's spent the past few years working on this.

And what was this? Ermmm...well it was something that's for sure. It's got great animation, ingenious designs, abuse of animation and some exciting moments. It seems weird at times and hectic to the point of incomprehensible, but I'm glad I saw it

Friday, October 24, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Freaks!

Original image located here. Accessed 24th October 2014

We live in a digital age where movies have incredible picture quality and are readily available for download - therefore there's something to be said for watching a movie from a long-gone era (1932).

As for the movie itself it is kinda odd to see it now as elements from it have been replicated in movies that have followed (such is the march of both time and progress one may assume). But no matter: there is certainly some ghoulishness to Freaks and it certainly has some bite to it that makes it still work decades later. 

Kinda makes you wonder if the movies being made today will have the same kind of staying power....

Friday, October 17, 2014

Let the Right One In

 And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Let the Right One In!

Original image located here. Accessed 17th October 2014

Well seeing as it's October now would be a good time as any to see some Horror movies. I'm not the biggest fan of horror movies so maybe seeing a clutch of them once a year seems somewhat fitting. 

As for the movie itself, I'm not sure this really counts as a horror movie. It didn't give me any scares or make me jump. True there were some grotesque moments but really I think this was really more a romance between Oskar and Eli. Still as a vampire movie this one is superb and as a movie about two social outcasts this one is a winner.

Friday, October 10, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Predators!

Original image located here. Accessed 10th October 2014

This movie isn't going to be easy to assess without repeating what has already been said. But what the hey: This was a lot of fun and it's great to see the Predator franchise finally claw back some credibility. Oh and Alice Braga 🙂

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Muppets

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....The Muppets!

Original image located here. Accessed 3rd October 2014

Well there's not much I can say: I, like most people, loved the Muppets when I was a kid and thought this movie was a right laugh. 

But all that has been said before so let me say this: This movie was clearly made with a passion - a passion from people who loved the source material and treated it with the utmost respect. And it worked like a charm which is something that rarely happens (really it should happen more).

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cabin in the Woods

 And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Cabin in the Woods!

Original image located here. Accessed 26th September 2014

I don't enjoy slasher movies: They are filled with morons who make dumb decisions and don't fight their attackers. So it is indeed welcome that a movie like this comes along and gives the genre a long hard look with a critiquing eye - followed by a slap in the face. Awesome movie 😃

Friday, September 19, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Network!

Original image located here. Accessed 19th September 2014

What can I say? Its got great acting, and it's so deliciously ruthless in it's satire. 

Truly a classic.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fantastic Mr Fox

And this weeks Friday night movie has been.....Fantastic Mr Fox!

Original image located here. Accessed 12th September 2014

I went into this thinking it'll be rubbish (having enjoyed Roald Dahl books when i was a kid) but no: It turns out it was a right laugh. It was genuinely funny, the crime caper angle was great and the stop-animation is incredible. 

In fact I'll go so far to say this a benchmark for adaptations: It stayed true to the source whilst adding new elements. Which goes to show that such a thing is indeed possible

Friday, September 5, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Up!

Original image located here. Accessed 5th September 2014

As is often the case with the movies I watch, this has been a long time coming. Still at least I now know what the 'Squirrel!' gag I've heard a lot is....

As for the movie itself I have no idea what powers the Pixar engine but damn it's working wonders. Exciting one minute and heart-breaking the next, Up is indeed a gem 🙂

Oh and Doug. Doug is awesome. Period.

Friday, August 29, 2014


And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Inception!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th August 2014

This may surprise a lot of people but I've never actually seen this movie. Which is kind of strange seeing as I really enjoy the piece 'Time' from the soundtrack - even to a point where I've walked off a flight and through Tullamarine airport listening to it on several occasions (seriously, try doing that: It's fun!).

As for the movie itself - it was a smart movie and I like smart movies - particularly those where it pays to invest so much into it.

Not much else I can say except Inception is great. But you probably knew that already XD

Friday, August 15, 2014

Good Morning Vietnam

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Good Morning Vietnam!

Original image located here. Accessed 15th August 2014

A somewhat unsurprising choice but I'd never seen this movie before. And I'm glad I did: It was a riot and great to see Robin Williams in his element (and another reminder of what a loss he was)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Love and Other Drugs

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Love and Other Drugs!

Original image located here. Accessed 8th August 2014

Can't say rom-coms are my forte but this has been a rare exception. It may adhere to the tropes of the genre but it seems a genuine and sincere entry when many of it's ilk aren't known for such qualities. That and Anne Hathaway

Friday, August 1, 2014

Full Metal Jacket

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Full Metal Jacket!

Original image located here. Accessed 1st August 2014

What can I say? It was an intense movie and one that held my attention all the way through - which is what a movie should do.

Mind you, it is interesting to see Full Metal Jacket when last week I saw Apocalypse Now - whereas the latter left me with mixed feelings, the former has more bite and a lot more R, Lee Emery

That being said, I think I've had my fill of war movies for now - next week will be something fun...

Friday, July 25, 2014

Apocalypse Now

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Apocalypse Now!

Original image located here. Accessed 25th July 2014

Can't say war movies are my thing but this was....something. Still, I don't regret watching it and am now interested in seeing Hearts of Darkness.....

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pacific Rim

And this weeks Friday night movie has been....Pacific Rim!

Original image located here. Accessed 18th July 2014

Well there's not much i can say about this that hasn't been said already save for: Utterly, utterly glorious. And Ron Perlman

Friday, July 11, 2014


I saw The Watchmen this evening. 

Original image located here. Accessed 11th July 2014

Not a bad movie - and one day I might actually get around to reading the original graphic novel